Praktikanten Lunch in Dusseldorf

1995 Summer Internship

Folder: Travel Stuff
Photos from May-September 1995, when I worked as a summer exchange intern at Johnson Controls in Essen, Germany. Took side trips to Vienna, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Wuerzburg, Aachen, Arnhem, and Greece - though I don't think I got good pictures from all of those places. These are all marked as 35mm scans, which technically they are, but most of them were taken with Kodak disposable cameras…  (read more)

23 Feb 2009

102 visits

Praktikanten Lunch in Dusseldorf

The AIESEC/IAESTE interns from Uni-Essen having lunch during our day trip to Dusseldorf. From left: Miklos, me, Sari Selin, Andreas Nilsson, Birgitte, Mikko Kuusisto, and the two Egyptian guys who had arrived just a couple days earlier.

23 Feb 2009

84 visits

In the Office

My boss, Michael, and I in the office at JCI Regelungstechnik in Essen. Yes, that's really a drafting board.

23 Feb 2009

100 visits


The day before I left Essen, I decided I had to find this place that I'd seen in a coffee-table book about the metro area. It was too weird to pass up. It was actually rather difficult to find, but I ended up stumbling across it just as I was about to give up, having walked through way too many garden allotments and gotten too many dirty looks. What this is is a (former) monument to the Freikorps or paramilitaries of the early interwar period, in ways the forerunners of the SA thug squads which Hitler later rode to power. The monument has long since been stripped of its bronze memorial plaques, and is now just a Stonehenge-like ring of brick columns topped with either concrete or stone ashlars. For scale, note the woman sitting on top of the ring, reading (just left of center).

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22 Aug 2007

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109 visits

Ruined Church, Ruined Photo

This is the ruin of a church we passed by while walking around Cologne in 1995. Never have figured out what church it was or what's happened to it since. The photo is "ruined" because the 35mm camera I borrowed from my brother for the summer experienced some unfortunate trouble with the film advance mechanism, causing occasional double-exposure hiccups like this. Converting to grayscale and performing various adjustments rescued part of the righthand half of the image, the rest I cropped off. You can see the split at the line between the two gables.

23 Feb 2009

108 visits

Wuerzburg Rezidenz

The courtyard of the bishop's palace, Wuerzburg.

23 Feb 2009

102 visits


The old bishop's fortress on the hill overlooking Wuerzburg.

23 Feb 2009

100 visits

Wuerzburg Bridge

The bridge into the old town, Wuerzburg.

23 Feb 2009

79 visits

Barge Crane

An antique crane used for loading and unloading barges. Along the riverbank in Wuerzburg.

23 Feb 2009

111 visits

Hollow Tooth

Kaiser Wilhelm Gedaechtniskirche, Berlin. It was actually quite well-preserved inside. It's a pity they didn't rebuild it after the war (it's more an eyesore than a memorial in its current state). One of the other Tech interns, Ed, is in the lower right.
23 items in total