Late for Beer at the Breaux Mart

APS Film Scans

Scans from my old APS negatives. All images taken with a Minolta Vectis 20, between October 1, 1997 and August 1, 2000. Scanned using a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED film scanner.

29 Sep 2007

80 visits

Late for Beer at the Breaux Mart

I rode out Hurricane Georges at a friend's second-floor apartment in New Orleans (Metarie, actually), September 28, 1998 (nine years ago yesterday). Much hoopla, little hurricane. After the curfew was lifted in Jefferson Parish, I retrieved my car from the Lakeside Mall parking deck and headed home -- and was promptly struck by a drunk driver at Severn and Vets, not a hundred yards from where I'd parked for the hurricane. He was apparently rushing to Breaux Mart for some more beer. Cost my insurance company $3600 in repairs, but at least my Blazer was still driveable. The drunk yat's car was most likely totaled. Punch line: because my truck was still registered out of state, the LA state police didn't want to bother assigning fault, and the other driver didn't even get so much as a ticket.

18 Aug 1999

82 visits

Reagan Building

The Reagan Building in D.C., August 1999. I worked across the street in 1991, when they were driving the foundation pilings for this building.

29 Sep 2007

95 visits

Somebody Done Blowed Up Texas!

Mushroom cloud thunderstorm along I-10 east of Beaumont, September 4, 1999.

29 Sep 2007

87 visits

Sky Manatee

A wannabe roll-cloud along I-10 east of Beaumont, September 4, 1999.

29 Sep 2007

83 visits

Maybe It's Time to Seek Shelter?

Ominous cloud formations along I-10 east of Beaumont, September 4, 1999.

29 Sep 2007

115 visits

My First Apartment

The first apartment I ever rented out of school was in New Orleans East -- it's the one on the second floor above the green Blazer in the picture on the left, taken in November 1997. Then, the place was newly overhauled, freshly painted, and recently re-roofed. Nice place, but unfortunate location. The picture on the right shows the same apartment building on March 9, 2006, following Hurricane Katrina. Note the height of the bathtub rings. When I went by this place again in 2007, it had been scraped down to the foundation slabs. Like many of the apartment complexes in New Orleans East.

29 Sep 2007

78 visits

Death Valley

September 1998.

29 Sep 2007

68 visits

Death Valley

September 1998.

29 Sep 2007

101 visits

Death Valley

September 1998.
23 items in total