
2021 Manger Project

After visiting Oberammergau in 2018, I ordered a set of carved wood nativity figures from Albl.

Which I then needed a suitable manger scene to hold.

Which then became a hammerbeam-roofed stable. Because as an engineer I couldn't just build a rickety shack.

Which then took me weeks of work to build, finishing up at 11PM on Christmas Eve, 2021.

26 Dec 2021

91 visits


Lamb's-eye view. I clearly need to get out the Nikon and get some real pictures. And I still need to do something with the round window.

26 Dec 2021

86 visits


The scene with figures added. The scale might be slightly off, but not quite as much as this picture suggests. It's built at 1/20th scale based on the 3.5in figurine representing a 6ft tall Joseph, so the lower sections are effectively 7ft to the crossbeams and the hammer beams (the horizontal stubs) are at 9.5ft, while the windowsills are 40in off the ground and the door opening is 6ft 9in high.

26 Dec 2021

56 visits


Finally finished and ready for guests finding no room in the inn. When you think about it, today's equivalent of the manger at an inn would be the parking structure at a hotel. "Away in a Parking Structure" doesn't have the same ring to it, though, and I can only imagine how painful the acoustics would be with a little drummer boy drumming away surrounded by all that bare concrete.

26 Dec 2021

53 visits


Structure and rooves complete. Just needs the backdrop wall, once the door and windows are glued in place. Note the installed roof brackets under the trusses on either side. The pair in the back had to be cut back on the lower end to clear the crossbeams for the lower roof sections - this added an unexpectedly attractive element of complexity that I wish had been possible on the front as well.

26 Dec 2021

61 visits


Initial (wrong) installation of the side roof panels - fortunately, the one big oops with the project and easily corrected.

26 Dec 2021

60 visits


Roof panel glue-up. Spraying alcohol-thinned dye stain on the basswood pieces turned out to have interesting results, in that the unexpected blotchiness mimicked weathering of a creosoted wood roof.

26 Dec 2021

60 visits


Structural assembly complete, apart from the lower roof brackets.

26 Dec 2021

52 visits


The completed roof structure, minus the lower set of brackets.

26 Dec 2021

77 visits


Gluing up the posts and cross-beams.
17 items in total