Revenki's photos


26 Dec 2021 59
Initial (wrong) installation of the side roof panels - fortunately, the one big oops with the project and easily corrected.


26 Dec 2021 53
Structure and rooves complete. Just needs the backdrop wall, once the door and windows are glued in place. Note the installed roof brackets under the trusses on either side. The pair in the back had to be cut back on the lower end to clear the crossbeams for the lower roof sections - this added an unexpectedly attractive element of complexity that I wish had been possible on the front as well.


26 Dec 2021 55
Finally finished and ready for guests finding no room in the inn. When you think about it, today's equivalent of the manger at an inn would be the parking structure at a hotel. "Away in a Parking Structure" doesn't have the same ring to it, though, and I can only imagine how painful the acoustics would be with a little drummer boy drumming away surrounded by all that bare concrete.

Warp Factor 7

18 Sep 2021 49
Two days earlier, this was the flattest, straightest plank at the lumber yard. Two days later, it had curled into a lemon twist of carcinogenically-pickled pine.

Questionable Loo

13 Oct 2021 47
This was bad enough. I drove by a few days later, and it was another two floors higher.

Questionable Ingredients

08 Sep 2021 45
Note the juxtaposition.

Questionable Cookery

04 Sep 2021 1 52
The recipes are straightforward, but getting the ingredients fresh can be difficult.

Beautiful Blueness

08 Jul 2021 58
A hand-blown glass vase I picked up at the Greenbrier Hotel.

Questionable Souvenir

25 Jun 2021 50
From Monica Lewinsky's book signing, back in the day.

Capping Day

17 Jun 2021 57
John Christopher, call your office...

Questionable Fashions

17 Jun 2021 61
Bespoke Stehpinkelung (Context: this is a tiny detail of a men's fashion ad from the 1940s, framed and hung over a urinal at the Greenbrier Hotel)

Questionable Mural

15 Jun 2021 60
When the pow-wow chow isn't up to health code standards.

The Gold Experience v.2

16 Apr 2021 80
Grid laid out for the real piece, and outlined with gold paint. Sakura pen on Bristol.

Questionable Instructions

10 Apr 2021 1 2 63
I'm not sure what I'm looking at here, Kitchenaid...

Assaulted Battery

12 Mar 2021 80
Time to replace the battery on the old laptop. The bulging is much more impressive than the picture suggests. It actually pushed the keyboard out.

The Gold Experience

01 Feb 2021 2 80
Experimenting with a Sakura gold pen, with acrylic wash for color.

Questionable Child Seat

31 Jan 2021 79
"Trust me, anything that shuts them up while you're driving is worth it."

Questionable Pairings

17 Jan 2021 68
Amazon's algorithms get more addled by the day.

9310 items in total