Revenki's photos

Day 15

25 Jul 2019 61

Day 15

25 Jul 2019 64

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 56
Strange fog on the way from Akureyri to Blonduos.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 58
Strange fog on the way from Akureyri to Blonduos.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 56
Strange fog on the way from Akureyri to Blonduos.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 59
The north part of Sprengisandur.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 59
The north part of Sprengisandur.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 65
The north part of Sprengisandur. An isolted but exuberant patch of Hrafnafifa (cottongrass).

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 70
The north part of Sprengisandur. An isolted but exuberant patch of Hrafnafifa (cottongrass).

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 57
The north part of Sprengisandur. An isolted but exuberant patch of Hrafnafifa (cottongrass).

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 55
The north part of Sprengisandur.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 66
The usual.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 67
The north part of Sprengisandur.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 66
The north part of Sprengisandur.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 73
The north part of Sprengisandur. Yeah, so, about that rule regarding water crossings... This, as it happens, is just below the very tippy-top of the head of Eyjafjörður, the fjord in which Akureyri is located. One gets to this point by descending from the highland desert via a narrow road on a narrow ridge (or the side of a narrow ridge, depending) in fog for about 2-3 miles. And then one gets to an 8-inch deep river flowing across the road from a damned waterfall (on the right). With no place to turn around and no sane way to back up any useful distance. This water crossing was, in fact, on the map. Sort of. There was a water crossing symbol at this location, but due to the scale of the map, the single symbol actually covered twelve more water crossings of similar scale in rapid succession, and probably another twenty smaller streams up to the size of the one on F26 that made me turn around and come this way instead. It took roughly an hour and a half to go about ten miles through this bridgeless nightmare, and another half hour to get back to Akureyri.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 73
The north part of Sprengisandur. Yeah, so, about that rule regarding water crossings... This, as it happens, is just below the very tippy-top of the head of Eyjafjörður, the fjord in which Akureyri is located. One gets to this point by descending from the highland desert via a narrow road on a narrow ridge (or the side of a narrow ridge, depending) in fog for about 2-3 miles. And then one gets to an 8-inch deep river flowing across the road from a damned waterfall (on the right). With no place to turn around and no sane way to back up any useful distance. This water crossing was, in fact, on the map. Sort of. There was a water crossing symbol at this location, but due to the scale of the map, the single symbol actually covered twelve more water crossings of similar scale in rapid succession, and probably another twenty smaller streams up to the size of the one on F26 that made me turn around and come this way instead. It took roughly an hour and a half to go about ten miles through this bridgeless nightmare, and another half hour to get back to Akureyri.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 67
The north part of Sprengisandur. Yeah, so, about that rule regarding water crossings... This, as it happens, is just below the very tippy-top of the head of Eyjafjörður, the fjord in which Akureyri is located. One gets to this point by descending from the highland desert via a narrow road on a narrow ridge (or the side of a narrow ridge, depending) in fog for about 2-3 miles. And then one gets to an 8-inch deep river flowing across the road from a damned waterfall (on the right). With no place to turn around and no sane way to back up any useful distance. This water crossing was, in fact, on the map. Sort of. There was a water crossing symbol at this location, but due to the scale of the map, the single symbol actually covered twelve more water crossings of similar scale in rapid succession, and probably another twenty smaller streams up to the size of the one on F26 that made me turn around and come this way instead. It took roughly an hour and a half to go about ten miles through this bridgeless nightmare, and another half hour to get back to Akureyri.

Day 14

24 Jul 2019 69
The north part of Sprengisandur.

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