- smooth as silk

Daylily - Parade 2015

Parade of Daylilies -
Order in which they bloomed -
Got to keep track of where they are!

1- orange 'Ditch Lily' .. some say it isn't a true Daylily, but that's okay - Tawny Lily
2 - pink / salmon - 'Winsome Lady'
3- yellow with wine on petals - 'Bonanza'
4- multi-layered orange - 'Kwanso'
5 -red velvet-looking petals with yellow in throat - Red Velvet Jazz [gave her the name as can't locate it]
…  (read more)

12 Jul 2015

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308 visits

- smooth as silk

soft as butter - # 6 to open - 'Golden Prize' - she is blooming in the center of a section of 'Bonanza' 2-tone daylilies ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

11 Jul 2015

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401 visits

a day of many colors ..

^^ 1 note ^^ Red daylily - Jazz Velvet or possible proper name ' Prairie Wildflower' - Top Left : Buddleia davidii with Skipper - White and magenta Rose of Sharon - Yellow with maroon daylily 'Bonanza' - Blooming her orange heart out - 'Kwanso' ! (c) All Rights Reserved

06 Jul 2015

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388 visits

- puzzling

** 2 notes ** next to sidewalk, this group of Kwanso Daylilies bloom - this is how they usually appear - that couldn't have been done by a deer - a clean cut - not even a child could manage that - don't think - why not the entire bloom - tis weird - very weird - (c) All Rights Reserved

28 Jun 2015

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282 visits

- in the mirror

of orange - one Kwanso daylily - times 4 - beneath the Dogwood - shadows cast on pavement - geometry in Nature - (c) All Rights Reserved

28 Jun 2015


247 visits

Daylily Parade - 2015

In order of blooming - Tawney Lily ( aka Ditch Lily ).. Winsome Lady .. Bonanza .. Kwanso .. Jazz Velvet ..proper name is: Prairie Wildflower ( I think ) looked out this morn and Bonanza [ yellow with maroon ] .. has sublet another section of the Garden of Surprise (s) .. Still waiting for the solid yellow to bloom .. (c) All Rights Reserved

27 Jun 2015

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# 4 Kwanso Multi-layered shades of orange - (c) All Rights Reservefd

27 Jun 2015

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356 visits

... what's in a name ?

Flower =the Letter F - Alphabet Site - # 5 to bloom - not a 'proper' name for her - she looks like red velvet - with a splash of orange/yellow - Jazz Velvet suits her (c) All Rights Reserved

19 Jun 2015

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I'm Here !

- third Daylily to bloom in the Garden of Surprises [ was 2nd last year ] - anyhow, her proper name is " Bonanza - no idea who decided it or why - but, it is as it is - dark, buttery yellow with wine splashes on her petals - welcome, Miz Bonanza - bloom your heart out ~~~ (c) All Rights Reserved

13 Jun 2015

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Tawney Lily
14 items in total