.. hilarious ( Tile Roof - )

Florida - Buildings / Architecture

Folder: Florida
.. located in Central Florida
.. along the Gulf of Mexico
.. all in the State of Florida

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25 Jan 2013


264 visits

.. hilarious ( Tile Roof - )

to me .. - from the gate in previous photo to the fancy gate here/Another Link in the Chain this is for Yacht Club members to dock their boats .. tile roof is the same as the Yacht Club .. it is a members-only deal .. or a member can invite you .. me ? been there once .. when a local group invited our department at work .. for a Christmas celebration .. why do I think this is so funny .. check the tile roof .. don't know any birds around here who read .. any signs .. but, it doesn't keep them out .. or from personalizing the roof .. cropped/framed/signed in: www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

18 May 2012

326 visits

what light . . .

shines in the Polk Theatre - Archive Airings AA13 beautiful architecture - lovingly restored - to her Grande Beauty - www.PolkTheatre.org "The Polk Theatre was built during a golden age in the United States - the stock market had yet to crash ( though the boom had ended in Florida) and the clouds of World War II were not yet on the horizon. Even so, it was quite a leap of faith to build a vaudeville/movie palace in Lakeland in 1928. The population hovered at only 15,000 people and it was a rural community. ..So build it they did, and it was a place of magic and wonder! The architect, J.E. Casale, an Italian-born immigrant, recreated a Mediterranean village in the heart of Central Florida. Flanked by Italianate walls with niches, sconces, and faux balconies and windows, the patron’s eye was drawn toward the stage and the full scale Italian renaissance “townhouse” setting that dominates the Polk’s interior." edited in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

13 Apr 2012

1 favorite

215 visits

-- lines of building and walkway

.. linking to previous photo of lines in Another Link in the Chain -- Park Trammell Building .. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Trammell www.lakelandgov.net/libraryspecialcollections/Photographs... - both links above give more info on this building, now being used as the Chamber of Commerce - built in the early 1920s .. during the boom time of erecting many structures here (this was used as a Library .. gorgeous wood floors that creaked as one searched for a book) - this is putting me on a journey to find those buildings in existence and where they are - some, like the Riggins home originally built on Lake Morton, were moved - the "land under the home was sold" - haven't been able to find out why that was the case - this will not be a quick journey - but, document it --- that I shall do to the best of my ablility ! © All rights reserved

30 Mar 2012

182 visits

The Lady ..

- nestled comfortably to greet - anyone visiting the Chamber Of Commerce - she catches a nap between people - climbing the stairs - or photographers - stopping to take her photograph - this Mute swan has created her nest just outside the local Chamber Of Commerce © All rights reserved

18 Aug 2011

232 visits

Collage for Kristy .. Kress re-purposed ...

- repurposed as Explorations V - a hands on musem for children - original use was a "five and dime" store - built by S. H. Kress, who loved art, so the stores were built in the Renaissance Revival style - restoring - re-using - what an example for our children - they see what we do, as well as, what we say - kudos to all souls involved in this ! - check the link below - why is it called Explorations V ? - somehow I think Samuel Henry Kress would love to tour his former store www.explorationsv.com/ © All rights reserved

10 Oct 2010

482 visits

Fountains to a Water Dome ...

Another Link in the Chain - from fountains to a Water Dome .. .. overhead view of the Campus and surrounding areas wiki.worldflicks.org/wright_water_dome.html "Among Florida's many distinctions..it's home to the largest collection of buildings designed by acclaimed architect Frank Lloyd Wright on a single site. But time and the Florida elements have not been kind to the 12 Wright buildings, located on the campus of Florida Southern College. Many buildings, designed by FLW, were built by students with a tuition waiver .." by Greg Allen Restoring a Campus-Full of Frank Lloyd Wright ----- This building, with wrought iron work, is the Annie M. Pfeiffer Chapel (built in 1941).. the wrought iron work is referred to as: 'bicycle rack in the sky' or 'God's bicycle rack' .... At the bottom left, the water fountain is part of the Water Dome, rebuilt in 2007; it was also designed by FLW. © All rights reserved

10 Oct 2010

216 visits

- the sign says 'Reserved'

is that for Faculty parking - or bench sitting - of course, nobody was around to answer - this is part of Florida Southern College campus - before you ask .. have no idea what that building is - so, if You do know - go ahead and ID it ! cropped / sized in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

21 Jul 2010

1 comment

268 visits

Well, really would think that as expensive as the office space is in here...

- for Archive Airings .. Windows .. AA13 the glass would be of better quality - makes the buildings across the street look like funhouses at an amusement park ! -framed -otherwise, SOOC ! © All rights reserved

14 Jan 2010

194 visits

Signs ... 2010, Jan. 14 @3:32pm

best read this sign ... Pierce fire truck would be in your sight .. probably #21 .. that would respond to an emergency.. great group of souls .. so, when you see or hear any emergency vehicle.. move out of the way .. or do what is the safest thing possible .. what if they were headed to your home .. time is important ! © All rights reserved
25 items in total