"give me your answer .."

'A Lyrical Connection'

.. photos describing lyrics of a song
.. photos describing an entire song
.. or whatever we are doing -- thanks to our Head Lyric!
.. of the Group - A Lyrical Conneciton
(c) All Rights Reserved

18 May 2013

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361 visits

"give me your answer .."

A Lyrical Connection: When I'm 64 .. 'give me your answer '.... Don and Fred - - - no, don't know which is which - but these White Ibis are nutty - so, they have all been named - around my home - as Don and his brother Fred - even if a couple dozen show up - for the evening backyard buffet - still - Don and his brother Fred www.picmonkey.com (c) All Rights Reserved

03 May 2013

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316 visits

.. "Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four?"

- photo taken at a Senior Orphans Christmas Dinner - all the Seniors are served dinner by volunteers; holiday entertainment is provided; a take-home bag goes with them when they leave. Held the first Monday every December in Lakeland Florida. It is a night they all look forward to and enjoy fellowship. ______________________________________________________________________ standingwomen.net/ Sunday May 12, 2013 will mark our 7th year of standing together for the sake of earth’s children on what is Mother’s Day in many countries! Please read our call/invitation below, and join us at 1 pm local time. It is no small thing that we are doing, for in these critical chaotic times, we must take every opportunity to join our intentions for a better world. " We are standing for the world's children and grandchildren - and for the seven generations beyond them. We dream of a world where all our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe and enough food to eat. A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies. A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence -- in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world. This is the world of which we dream. This is the cause for which we stand." www.picmonkey.com

19 Nov 2011

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240 visits

"Was the sound of distant drumming.."

"A Lyrical Connection .. The Windmills of Your Mind" © All rights reserved

12 Nov 2011

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276 visits

" When the bee stings " ...

supersize bee .. on Mexican Petunia .. as large as he seems .. about half the size of the fading bloom .. " When the bee stings " ... A Lyrical Connection © All rights reserved

22 Oct 2011

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282 visits


Archive Airings AA238 FUN TIMES - "A Lyrical Connection" - As the images unwind ...Like the circles that you find .. - Improv Halloween dancing - who ya gonna call ? - Ghostbusters! - Tin Can Gypzees & Caravan Tribe - have fun - improv to 'Ghostbusters' - movement of colors 10.22.11 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF © All rights reserved

20 Aug 2011

278 visits

A Lyrical Connection - ''Indicate precisely what you mean to say.."

A 'teachable moment' .. - djembe and conga - provide rhythms for dancing souls - teacher and student - lesson: swish that skirt ! - Nu'riah shares her talents - cropped & signed only © All rights reserved

12 Feb 2011

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243 visits

.. I could be handy - ..

A Lyrical Connection - When I'm 64/Beatles. Doctor - Doctor ! Is there a . .. Freightliner Doctor in the house ? Can't get back 'on the road again' .. send that Doc with his tool kit and get this rig back to work ! -signed only © All rights reserved

16 Oct 2010


215 visits

.. and they danced

.. to the rhythms .. hand drummers on congas, doumbeks, djembes .. other percussion instruments .. all blended in an energy Om shanti, shanti, shanti © All rights reserved A Lyrical Connection group -- guess the song

11 Sep 2010


347 visits

Friends Of Joe / Joe Gavin

Joe Gavin coaxes beautiful music from his guitar -- © All rights reserved A Lyrical Connection - "While my Guitar Gently Weeps" .. Beatle Mania ARCHIVE AIRINGS AA-300-MUSIC
33 items in total