- x marks the spots shots taken


.. old
.. re-purposed
.. to keep History alive
.. if we don't know where we came from
.. how can we know where we are going?
.. not all buildings are re-purposed
.. some are in shambles
.. this is to digitally document them all

.. a digital Journey through History

(c) All Rights Reserved
.. all photos taken by me unless stated otherwise ..

19 Jun 2016

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343 visits

- x marks the spots shots taken

screenshot of Oneida Mills being repurposed into apartments .. X is where I take shots ..

19 Jun 2016

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398 visits

Historical update ..

Oneida Mills as it goes through the process .. Being re-purposed into apartments .. Last heard, there should be 134 'old but new ' places for souls to call home .. These100+yr old buildings are getting new life .. Yes, will do my best to bring weekly updates .. But, should something totally fantastic happen in-between .. Y'all will get that, too ! -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

15 Jun 2016

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348 visits

- stages of change

from the Historic Oneida Cotton Mills - into apartments - Rehab Builders has a website - check out some of the other works they have done - not met them, but they put to use all they can - this is a 'feel good' collage for me - not in my backyard - but my small town - believes in preserving the history it can - shall keep the photos coming - if you look at the Album - Historic Buildings - you can see photos from 2013 - and later following the changes - © All Rights Reserved photos from 2013 [while permits were still being pulled] - to 2016 - much has changed, yet the History will remain

25 Mar 2016

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333 visits

.. gradually

Burlington Coffin Co. is coming down - Some wood and bricks have been salvaged - Metal will be sold for scrap - Check the posts tops on the chain link fence - Are triangular - Not seen that before - Interesting how on the left, a tree and the fence became one - One fascinating salvage will come out last - A safe with 6ft doors - My neighbor showed me a cell phone pic he took - It is a monster - Couldn't get the ghost sign to show up - Went different times of day -- different camera settings -- different angles - So, the center photo in black, much smaller than the original - If I can find out when the safe is to be removed, I'll go back - But, this isn't a happy scene for me - © All Rights Reserved ** 1 note ** Update: 6 April 2016, the safe was removed and I missed the event. A couple of workers I spoke with said it was huge, taking several men plus machinery to move. Since I know where it went, there is always the possibility of a photo!

01 Jan 2016

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452 visits

stages ..

from left to right - 2013 through 2015 Finally ! All permits received - To create loft-style apartments in this iconic old mill - On a 6.8 acre tract of land - This once was headquarters of the Oneida Cotton Mills - The State of North Carolina and Federal Gov. had to see the original brick work - To make available tax credits for historic redevelopment - The developer had to show it is structurally sound - It is to be designed to add 134 new residences to the area - [ now to get my foot in the door for some photos! ] © All Rights Reserved

24 Jan 2015

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339 visits

Stone ..

in an Art Deco skyscraper downtown - only nine stories - designed by architect Charles Conrad Hartmann - winning bid .. $ 157,120.00 - construction began Sept. 1928 - opened to the public Nov. 1929 - local Fire Dept. [ at that time ] - didn't have ladders that would reach higher than 2 stories - so, the building was made of stone - only wood used was inner doors - - information from The Story of Atlantic Bank & Trust - © All Rights Reserved

27 Dec 2014

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503 visits

- three

photos of Winston-Salem .. on Left is near a section called Reynolda .. part of the original Reynolda House .. built by RJ and Katherine Reynolds .. the interior is beautiful .. there are several sites on the internet if you are interested .. about this part of history of Winston-Salem, NC center .. along the same road .. enjoyed the decorated fence .. on the Right .. that is next to the road we were on .. home seems full of history .. have seen/gone past it many times before .. perhaps I'll find the road in front of home and get more shots .. that sounds like a plan .. (c) All Rights Reserved Winston-Salem North Carolina US 2014

19 Oct 2014


349 visits

Soda Shop ..

this Soda Shop is online - for history that goes back before most of us were born - early 1900s - changed location - that building burned and as it was being fixed - a support beam fell [ during the night ] when nobody was there - the entire structure had to be razed - the Soda Shop rebuilt across the Court Square - it is owned by the same fellow who owns the re-furbished cinema - small town living - a photo I found has the Dad of a friend of mine - at the counter .. he was a Soda Jerk ! this is a smaller World than we think - © All Rights Reserved 2014 Soda Shop collage done in PicMonkey -

15 Aug 2014

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443 visits

.. the return

to the Earth from which it came - a house destroyed by fire - being claimed by Mother Nature - (c) All Rights Reserved
34 items in total