After Show Party .. "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You"


Folder: Florida
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17 May 2008

239 visits

After Show Party .. "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You"

- Festival on the Nile - the instructor for the Festival - dances with a member of the band Theme: Beatle Mania ----- Seen in "A Lyrical Connection" (c) All Rights Reserved

17 May 2008

266 visits

Miserlou ..

1962 - Miserlou / Misirlou -- Dick Dale "The song was rearranged as a solo instrumental rock guitar piece by Dick Dale in 1962. During a performance, Dale was bet by a young fan that he could not play a song on only one string of his guitar. Dale's father and uncles were Lebanese-American musicians, and Dale remembered seeing his uncle play "Misirlou" on one string of the oud. He vastly increased the song's tempo to make it into rock and roll. It was Dale's surf rock version that introduced "Misirlou" to a wider audience in the United States." - from Wikipedia I remember the version of this on 'oud' -- we played along with the oud player at drum workshops in Orlando FL, at Festival on the Nile. - this is the George Abdo version of Misirlou that I know - © All Rights Reserved

29 Jun 2010

1 favorite


202 visits

Only part of the spread . . .

party at RJs ... mostly finger food size .. including the Chocolate covered Bing cherry mice! © All Rights Reserved

31 Jul 2015

1 favorite


244 visits

- a Happy Day

sharing with relatives and friends - being married to your best friend for 50 years - Happy Anniversary, Sis ~ and ' G ' :)) (c) All Rights Reserved black and white with an overlay of gold balloons - suggest putting on Large / Black -