- to the day

The TCGs and Drummers

Folder: Florida
ATS (American Tribal Style) dancers of The Tin Can Gypzee Group
....Florida USA ........................................................................ Drummerz of TCGs & friends .. We ArE The TCGs ! Why do we call ourselves "Tin Can Gypzees"? Think about a tin can ... they come in all sizes & shapes.. all colors, all ages.. some are new-others have dents or flaws .. perhaps not shi…  (read more)

25 Apr 2010

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218 visits

- to the day

Taken in Florida on 25 April 2010 - Under a tree in MJ's yard - MJ was our dance instructor - We all gathered at her home for a dance party / photo shoot - Wearing my usual attire - Boots - Jeans - Purple shirt - All comfortable - MJ found this and sent it to me - " there are few photos of you because you were usually behind the lens " - True words - The TCGs and Drummers - in the Florida album ARCHIVE AIRINGS AA-327 - PHOTO OF YOU - TAKEN BY SOMEONE ELSE

21 Mar 2009

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255 visits


dancers-to-be ? © All rights reserved

23 Aug 2009

7 favorites


302 visits

Motion Blur -

Motion blur of color - veils of Tribal Dancers - Plant City FL - Graduating from one level to the next - After lots of hard work ! There were many dancers - Three drummers - Two on dumbeks - One on a frame drum - Think we had more fun than the Dancers ! Poetography Group - "I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. -- Dr. Seuss © All Rights Reserved .. EXPLORE..

24 Apr 2010

101 visits

Doum Tek Ka . .

- tonight - Circle of Rhythm community drum gathering - our last one of this year, 2011 - hope to be surprised - but usually don't have too many show up in Dec. - something about holidays - hmm - but whoever comes - there will be a time ! - we will Raq out this year - Middle Eastern rhythms - Beledi - Ayoub - Maquosm - Malfoof - possibly a Kash ( 9/8 ) ? - going to have a good time - oh, yes !!! - this frame drum belongs to the artist - RJ, who is a photographer, also decorated this - a night of rhythms floating through the air - go ahead ... - reach up and grab one or two - we will send more - peace through hands that drum Namaste, Sheeba

24 Apr 2010

208 visits

Understanding . .

neighbors behind the white fence .. have to be .. or they have the house closed .. so as not to hear the rhythms from these drums.. a ceramic dumbek .. a djembe .. gathering of the Tin Can Gypzees to practice drumming for dancers & dancing for drummers .. what a wonderful time ! - from the Archives - it is raining again today © All rights reserved

21 May 2010

195 visits

The Tin Can Gypzees ~ All the Colors of a Rainbow ~

Nu'riah, Aylah, MariJahne', Lola, Elleora - The Tin Can Gypzees ! ... Rainbow Building group .. © All rights reserved

11 Jun 2010

324 visits

Aylah is the music and the music is her ..

dancing to hand drums, Aylah makes the music part of her .. there is no separation .. she and the music are one .. we could drum forever for her .. there aren't enough words to describe her .. but, she has the soul of an Angel .. © All rights reserved

17 Jul 2010

294 visits

Nuriah & Safira

17 July 2010 / Circle of Rhythm © All rights reserved

17 Jul 2010

235 visits

2010 - July - 17 - Drum Circle

© All rights reserved
20 items in total