Richard Nuttall's photos

2023-07-31 00002

31 Jul 2023 8 3 143
Roe deer in a field conversion in SilverEfex

2023-07-29 00003

2023-07-29 00005

2023-07-08 00017

08 Jul 2023 9 8 136
Large White feeding

2023-07-08 00002

08 Jul 2023 5 2 125
Brown Hare early in the morning

2023-07-08 00010

08 Jul 2023 4 132
Brown hare and a fence post

2023-06-29 00002

29 Jun 2023 4 4 99
Juvenile Grasshopper Warbler, a lucky shot of a fairly rare bird.

2023-06-28 00006

28 Jun 2023 21 22 189
A submerged concrete fence I found this afternoon-probably originally part of the railway line that has since been flooded for many years. Converted to mono in SilverEfex Happy Fence Friday everyone, just about remembered to add it!!! Have a great weekend everyone

2023-06-28 00004

28 Jun 2023 4 4 126
Common darter dragonfly freshly emerged

2023-06-10 00022

10 Jun 2023 8 10 118
Not sure what this plant is its much bigger than a dandelion but it looked nice in B+W, conversion in SilverEfex as ever. Taken with the usual Leica 100-400 and the new to me Olympus E-M10mark iii, a recent upgrade from the mark ii

2023-06-06 00001

06 Jun 2023 3 114
Female Banded Demoiselle

2023-06-07 00003

07 Jun 2023 2 2 93
Common Blue Female

2023-06-07 00007

07 Jun 2023 2 97
Common Blue female

2023-06-07 00010

07 Jun 2023 1 96
Speckled Wood head on

2023-06-07 00023

07 Jun 2023 1 129
Male Emperor being mobbed by a Damselfly-one of several that kept attacking the Emperor until it flew off. Never seen this behaviour before but its very similar to what small birds do with owls or hawks

2023-06-07 00029

07 Jun 2023 2 2 139
Emperor Dragonfly Male

2023-06-07 00031

07 Jun 2023 1 106
Large Skipper

2023-06-07 00036

07 Jun 2023 1 85
Big batch of insects while the weather has been good- A small Copper

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.