Time and Season


Solargraphs, made with months-long exposure pinhole.

Rule's Landing

09 Jun 2024 105
1 Sep 2023 - 9 June 2024 original on left, inverted colors on right

Foothill Park

08 Jun 2024 1 116
30 December 2023 - 8 June 2024

Dragon's Tooth Beach

04 Jun 2024 121
26 December 2023 - 4 June 2024 Modern RC VC paper.

Shorttail Gulch

03 Jun 2024 116
28 Sep 2023 - 3 June 2024 Kodak type F "polycontrast" single weight RC paper, expired 1977. It curls like mad but makes interesting solargraphs if I can figure out how to keep it from rolling up! Neat reflections in this one are from its glossy surface.

Wright's Beach Solargraph

31 May 2024 2 4 128
Original paper on left, inverted colors on right. 24 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.

Solstice to solstice 2023

22 Dec 2023 1 100
Summer to Winter Solstice 21 June - 21 December, 2023 8x10 photopaper. The equinox is the straight line in the middle. Lines above it were the sun passing across the sky in the summer and lines below it were the sun passing across the sky in the fall. The lowest line was made yesterday ( December 21st )

Dragon Tooth Beach

09 Apr 2023 1 2 117
21 June 2022 to 26 March 2023

Equinox Solargraph

25 Dec 2022 98
"Equinox" solargraphy 21 June 2022 to 22 December 2022. Color positive paper.

Carlevaro solargraph

25 Dec 2022 81
21 June 2022 to 4 December 2022

North Wright's Beach

23 Jun 2022 1 1 126
21 December 2021 - 21 June 2022. Can had been pulled down and crushed, but I found it, and like how it came out.

Dragon Tooth Beach

23 Jun 2022 137
22 December 2022 - 21 June 2022 This beach doesn't have an official name but there are rocks on the cliff that look like a dragon's tooth... ( and remind me a little of the place called "Dragon's Teeth" on Maui )

Shell Beach

23 Jun 2022 138
30 December 2021 - 20 June 2022. The can was crushed by someone throwing rocks at it ( you can see the rocks in the foreground! ) but was still there. The colors on all of these are just from inverting the scanned photopaper... I don't edit them. This has a crazy green

Equinox solargraph

23 Jun 2022 132
"Equinox" camera ( the equinox makes the straight streak in the middle )... 21Dec2021-20Jun2022

Shell Beach

30 Dec 2021 1 2 247
18 July - 30 December 2021

Tomales Bay

27 Dec 2021 2 149
21 June - 26 December 2021

Dragon's Tooth Beach

23 Dec 2021 1 1 199
27 June - 22 December 2021

North Wright's Beach

21 Dec 2021 1 3 224
20 June - 21 December 2021. cntl-z to see on black background. I usually walk by this spot a couple times a week. The can-camera moved some when we had a big storm the 3rd week of October . It was still there a couple weeks ago, but when I picked it up yesterday there had been a rock slide and it was at the bottom of a cliff in a pile of rocks! But I kind of like it!

Solstice to Solstice

20 Jun 2021 3 7 425
Another "solstice to solstice" solargraph... the can is aimed up so that the sun crosses on a straight line in the middle on the equinox. The top is the summer solstice and the bottom is the winter solstice. 8x10 unicolor positive paper in a pinhole camera. :) yes I feel a little silly posting it in the solargraphy group where I'm the only member. I think we need to take all the pinhole groups and combine them into one.

52 items in total