Dan Leppert's photos

IMG 0183

IMG 0178

IMG 0171

IMG 0165

IMG 0078

IMG 0064

IMG 0053

IMG 9909

IMG 9920

The Big 4 Bridge (2016 10 01 23 36 48 UTC)

Lima Lima (2016 10 01 23 36 48 UTC)

IMG 0422

Garden Shed


01 Oct 2017 2 1 321
This is an unedited photo from my phone. I have not posted in quite some time and probably will be in and out. My new career is going well and includes schooling that is sucking up any of the time I would normally have for photography. I will not be posting regularly but I hope to continue posting. I am having an opportunity to sit at the coffee shop on this beautiful Sunday and do some studying and journaling which is helping me to keep track of the many new experiences I am having the opportunity to enjoy in this new journey my wife and I are embarking on. As a side note I was very pleased to see Ipernity getting back on its feet and looking like its old self again. I've missed it.

Henry the Slow (Explored)

Argentium Silver Rings

21 May 2017 4 3 655
I have been away from Ipernity for quite a while now. I started a new job in January and that has taken most all of my focus and attention. I have missed participating here and I am glad to have a small opportunity to post again. These rings were hand made by my wife out of Argentium Silver wire and hammered into the shape they are while giving them the texture you can see on the surface.

Portal To The Sea

19 Feb 2017 8 4 890
Pendant designed and created by my wife using an Night Ocean View bead created by Molly Cooley.

As Beautiful As The Weather (Explored)

16 Feb 2017 10 7 952
It sure feels like spring, but this sky almost reminded me of fall. p2s6

79 items in total

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