IDS multichannel GPR

Aztalan and WI (digital images)

IDS multichannel GPR

20 May 2014 558
Alex Novo and crew drive an IDS multichannel GPR around the site at Aztalan, WI. Note the GPS on the back and the base station on the mound in the distance.

Foerster Ferex cart system

20 May 2014 466
Jarrod Burks of OVAC using a four-sensor Foerster magnetometer system at Aztalan, WI.


20 May 2014 444
Sara Gale showing course participants the GSSI GPR system.

Ohm mapper

22 May 2014 490
Kevin Hurley from Geometrics using the towed resistance array (the ohm mapper) at Aztalan, WI.

Resistance survey

20 May 2014 430
Course participants using the Geoscan RM15 resistance meter at Aztalan, WI.

View across Aztalan, WI.

20 May 2014 551
A view across the Mississippian settlement site at Aztalan, WI showing one of the mounds on the right by the reconstructed palisade and a line of mounds on the top of the slope on the left. Pentax K20D with a manual focus SMC Pentax-A 70-210 f/4 zoom.

London, Wisconsin, USA

18 May 2014 409
I couldn't resist swinging through London WI on the way to Aztalan given that I work in London, UK.

London, WI, church

18 May 2014 339
On our way to Aztalan we swung through London, WI, simply because I work in London, UK. It is a somewhat difference place! Pentax K20D.

London, WI, monument (1)

18 May 2014 379
On our way to Aztalan we swung through London, WI, simply because I work in London, UK. It is a somewhat difference place! Pentax K20D.

London, WI, monument (2)

18 May 2014 341
On our way to Aztalan we swung through London, WI, simply because I work in London, UK. It is a somewhat difference place! Pentax K20D.

London Street, WI

18 May 2014 1 393
On our way to Aztalan we swung through London, WI, simply because I work in London, UK. It is a somewhat difference place! Pentax K20D.

London Tavern, WI

18 May 2014 403
On our way to Aztalan we swung through London, WI, simply because I work in London, UK. It is a somewhat difference place! Pentax K20D.

Spot the deliberate mistake

24 May 2014 306
What would we do without "sharpies"?

Historical marker

24 May 2014 315
Seen on our travels from Aztalan, WI to Yorkville. IL.