Kris Lockyear's photos
The tree
New York discount
Bethesda in the snow
If I'm in New York, I usually make one trip to the fountain to take a photo. Not quite as many as Gandhi in Tavistock Square though!
Pentax MX, Rollei Infrared film metered at ISO6, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, IR72 filter.
The Mall in the snow
Pentax MX, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, Rollei Infrared film, IR filter, tripod. Metered at ISO6.
Central Park mouse
Detail from the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park, NYC.
Pentax K1000, SMC "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, Harman Phoenix 200 film.
New York tower
Crewe station
The courage of present times
The NYC AIDS monument on W 12th Street.
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Tri-X medium format film.
Cold hippos
This road runs beside the Cloisters Museum in up-town Manhattan.
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X.
Central Park reflections
79th Street
Some of the stations on the New York City subway have lovely mosaics.
Huawei phone image, processed in Snapseed, resized in photoshop.
Frightened piggy
One of the displays at the Wimpole Christmas light were representations of fairy tales, in this case the Three Little Pigs.
Huawei phone image.
A room with a view
My hotel room in Frankfurt was in the attic.
Minolta 7000, Rollei RPX100 film, Minolta AF35-135 lens.
Flying today
Stunt bike at the Herts County Show.
Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax-M 100mm f/2.8 lens, FPP Tasma NK-II film.
Castor tomb
Roman wall
Surviving piece of Roman wall protruding through a later wall. The camera was level, this is on a steep hill!