Kris Lockyear's photos

The tree

06 Feb 2025 6 3 53
Seen at Anglesey Abbey, Cambs. Pentax K1000, Kodak Ultramax 400

New York discount

22 Jan 2025 4 1 37
Pentax K1000, Harman Phoenix 200 film.

Bethesda in the snow

20 Jan 2025 2 31
If I'm in New York, I usually make one trip to the fountain to take a photo. Not quite as many as Gandhi in Tavistock Square though! Pentax MX, Rollei Infrared film metered at ISO6, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, IR72 filter.


16 Jan 2025 9 10 136
Central Park, NYC. Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Porttra 800 film.

The Mall in the snow

15 Jan 2025 2 127
Pentax MX, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, Rollei Infrared film, IR filter, tripod. Metered at ISO6.

Central Park mouse

15 Jan 2025 1 29
Detail from the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park, NYC. Pentax K1000, SMC "K" 135mm f/3.5 lens, Harman Phoenix 200 film.

New York tower

14 Jan 2025 1 74
Pentax K1000, Harman 200 Phoenix film, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm lens, polariser.

Crewe station

14 Jan 2025 1 35
Pentax MX, Agfa APX100, I don't remember the lens. It might have been my M20/4.

The courage of present times

10 Jan 2025 2 33
The NYC AIDS monument on W 12th Street. Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Tri-X medium format film.

Cold hippos

10 Jan 2025 1 29
Playground in Central Park, NYC. Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X medium format.


10 Jan 2025 6 1 49
This road runs beside the Cloisters Museum in up-town Manhattan. Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X.

Central Park reflections

10 Jan 2025 1 2 139
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Portra 800 film.

79th Street

31 Dec 2024 5 1 37
Some of the stations on the New York City subway have lovely mosaics. Huawei phone image, processed in Snapseed, resized in photoshop.

Frightened piggy

04 Dec 2024 3 1 42
One of the displays at the Wimpole Christmas light were representations of fairy tales, in this case the Three Little Pigs. Huawei phone image.

A room with a view

31 Oct 2024 3 83
My hotel room in Frankfurt was in the attic. Minolta 7000, Rollei RPX100 film, Minolta AF35-135 lens.

Flying today

10 Sep 2024 6 1 147
Stunt bike at the Herts County Show. Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax-M 100mm f/2.8 lens, FPP Tasma NK-II film.

Castor tomb

28 Sep 2024 1 47
I rather liked this cheat tomb. Stupidly, I didn't check out the inscription.

Roman wall

28 Sep 2024 53
Surviving piece of Roman wall protruding through a later wall. The camera was level, this is on a steep hill!

5986 items in total