Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 1)

Christmas is over!

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New York after Christmas 2010

Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 1)

20 Jan 2011 247
Part of a set of images of abandoned Christmas trees in New York. Shame about the light leak, probably the Judas window. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 2)

20 Jan 2011 226
Part of a set of images of abandoned Christmas trees in New York. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (oops!, Lubitel 2)

20 Jan 2011 280
One of the most annoying things about the Lubitel is the ease with which accidental double exposures can be made! Both images: New York city. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 3)

20 Jan 2011 246
Part of a set of images of abandoned Christmas trees in New York. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 4)

20 Jan 2011 236
Part of a set of images of abandoned Christmas trees in New York. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (Lubitel 2, 5)

20 Jan 2011 256
Part of a set of images of abandoned Christmas trees in New York. Lubitel 2, Ilford HP5+, commercial dev and scan, tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 7)

21 Jan 2011 331
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 4)

21 Jan 2011 368
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 3)

21 Jan 2011 329
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 5)

21 Jan 2011 326
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 1)

21 Jan 2011 305
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 2)

21 Jan 2011 356
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (LX 6)

21 Jan 2011 348
One of a series of photographs of disposed of Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax LX, variety of manual primes, Ilford Delta 100 ASA, commercial dev and scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (FED)

21 Jan 2011 488
One of a series of images of disposed of Christmas trees in Manhattan. FED2, Industar 26m lens, Kodak BW400CN film, commercial dev and scan and tweaked in Lightroom.

Christmas is over (Ektar 1)

27 Jan 2011 411
One of a series of images of abandoned Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Pentax MX, Kodak Ektar 100 ASA. For the rest of the series, see here:

Christmas is over (UK edition)

05 Mar 2022 92
Not as fun as the ones shot in New York where abandoned trees are sticking out of snow drifts. Pentax K2DMD, Wolfman 100 film.