herb robert 2

wild flowers

herb robert 2

24 May 2009 216
Herb Robert growing in a hedgerow in Hertfordshire.



dandelion 2

blue flower

29 Jun 2009 228
A small flower c. 5mm across on the rocks near the coast. Probably a variety of stone crop.

Bug and a flower-10

Purple spotted orchid

19 May 2010 187
Pentax LX, SMC-M 40-80mm lens, Kodachrome 64. This was taken in 2007. I took quite a few and they aren't as sharp as I would have hoped. Oh well, another year.


20 May 2010 189
Wild primroses in a Hertfordshire wood 2008.

Rosebay willowherb

02 Jul 2011 255
Seen on a walk near Coleman Green. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 28mm f/3.5.

Poppies in an oilseed rape field, Hertfordshire

02 Jul 2011 1 352
Seen during a walk. K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 28mm f/3.5 lens.

A bug

03 Jul 2011 195
Pentax K20D, SMC 'M' 100mm f/2.8 lens, extension tubes, AF500FTZ flash and homemade diffuser from a Pringle's can.


03 Jul 2011 225
Pentax K20D, SMC 'M' 100mm f/2.8 lens, extension tubes, AF500FTZ flash and homemade diffuser from a Pringle's can.