Saltaire lion

Zeiss Super Ikonta IV Tri-X Bradford 2022

Saltaire lion

26 May 2022 2 2 131
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X.

Waterstones bookshop

28 May 2022 1 126
The shop in Bradford is in the lovely Victorian Gothic Wool Exchange. The lens on my vintage Zeiss Super Ikonta IV wasn't really wide enough to do it justice. Taken using Kodak Tri-X.

Bradford War Memorial

28 May 2022 1 124
Zeiss Super Ikonta, Kodak Tri-X.

Bradford modern art

28 May 2022 146
Part of a piece of street art in Bradford city centre. Zeiss Super Ikonta, Kodak Tri-X.

Bradford town centre

28 May 2022 1 123
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X.


04 Jun 2022 2 1 343
It took me a while to find out anything about this sculpture but eventually came across this website ( which gave some useful information: "Fibres, a sculpture by local artist Ian Randall, was built in St. Blaise Square in 1997, on the former site of Bradford Forster Square railway station. I’ll stroke my new beard and say that it represents the transition of the old technology (rail) to the new (fibre optics). I’m not sure if the fibres’ coloured night lights signify anything, other than looking groovy." Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Tri-X.