St Nicholas, Great Munden

Great Munden

St Nicholas, Great Munden

07 Mar 2021 103
I stopped to look at this church on the way past. It is a redundant church, I believe, and privately owned. It is looking a bit sad from the outside with the lottery sign broken and on the grass, part of the churchyard wall collapsed and the graveyard a bit overgrown. Hopefully, this is just a covid-related hitch. There is a blocked Norman door in the north wall. I couldn't quite get back far enough and so this photo is two images taken with my shift lens stitched together in post. Not too bad a result given I was having to handhold the camera.

Great Munden, blocked door

11 Mar 2021 105
The church of St Nicholas is a "redundant" church and is now in private ownership. Blocked north doors do not seem to be uncommon, but I don't know what the central feature was. Photo taken in 2012 using a Pentax MX and Kodak Ektar 100 film.