George Read

New Castle, Delaware

George Read

27 Jun 2019 217
Tombstone of George Read, one of the signatories of the American Declaration of Independence. Yashica Mat 124G, Ilford Delta 100 film.

The smallest cemetery?

27 Jun 2019 4 476
Seen in New Castle, Delaware. Yashica Mat 124G, Ilford Delta 100 film.

Eleanor Sarah

25 Jul 2019 1 174
Immanuel church, New Castle, Delaware. Yashica Mat 124G, Ilford Delta 100 film.

Capn John Evans

08 Jul 2019 2 224
Immanuel church, New Castle, Delaware. Yashica Mat 124G, Ilford Delta 100 film.

Just chatting

25 Jul 2019 2 222
Tommy Halley discussing his powered parachute. Yashica Mat 124Gm Fuji Pro 400H film.

Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware

23 May 2019 226
Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax 28mm f/3.5 shift lens.

Van Dykes

24 May 2019 196
Tombs of the Van Dyke family, New Castle, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA* 31mm Ltd lens.


24 May 2019 172
A classic urn-and-willow design tombstone in the graveyard at New Castle, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Immanuel Church

23 May 2019 2 270
New Castle, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax 28mm f/3.5 shift lens. Processed in Lightroom 4.4 and Silver Efex Pro 2.

Mary Wansey

23 May 2019 213
Her grave in the churchyard of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Margaret Peirce Duncan

23 May 2019 1 178
Her grave in Immanuel Church graveyard, New Castle, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Lewis A. White

23 May 2019 181
The grave of Lewis A White and his sister Laura E. White both of whom died very young. Immanuel Church, Delaware. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Walter Hackett

23 May 2019 203
(Taken from p.4) Rev'd. Walter Hackett Sub hoc cippo conduntur reliquiae Reverendi uiri c ualteri Hacket qui titulo missionary insignitus pastoritiu Minus apud apoquinomen ses cirei Quinquennium feliciter ex creuit Natus Fraserburgi in Bamll Scotia Provincia ex vetus ae generosa hac Familia ortus Fuit vita incorrupta ingenio lenifectore Fido in oficio fungendo summa industri Maltis Elle bonis flebilis occidtt Nulliflebilior quam chare conjugi Qui in memoriam digni viri. Hocce monumentum sepulcrale Condere ibuil. Obiit nonis Martjis anno MDCCXXXIII Aetatis XXXIIII Note: Translation taken from Holcomb. Under this stone are buried the remains of the Reverend Walter Hackett, who while a Missionary, discharged with great success, the duties of the Pastoral office at Appoquinimy about five years. He was born in Frasersbury, in Bampf, a province of Scotland, and was descended from the ancient and respectable family of Hackett. His life was blameless; in spirit, meek, in office faithful; in labors abundant. He died lamented by many good, but by none more than his beloved wife who is pleased to erect to the memory of her worthy husband this sepulchral monument. He died March 7, 1733, aged 33 years.

George Read

23 May 2019 210
Grave in Immanuel Churchyard, Delaware. Read was one of the signatories of the American Declaration of Independence. See Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd

46 E 3rd St, New Castle, Delaware

23 May 2019 1 167
This elegant town house was built in 1836. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax 28mm f/3.5 shift lens.

The Old Library, New Castle, Delaware

23 May 2019 1 185
The old library was built in 1892 and is now a museum. See Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax 28mm f/3.5 shift lens.

Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware

23 May 2019 98
New Castle is a lovely historic town in Delaware. Phone image uploaded to Instagram.

Elizabeth Hind

24 May 2019 85
A classic willow tree design on this tombstone from the churchyard of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware.