A two-car family

Albania, 2010

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From the Aid Convoy preliminary trip to Bathorë / Kamza, near Tirana, Albania, where we resurrected our project there.

This set is the pics from my camera (and phone). Ironically, few are from Albania itself, cos I was kinda busy!

There are more of Albania, as well as the rest of the journey, in the set of photos taken by my colleague Jane. They are in a separate set, "Albania — Jane's photos" (…  (read more)

Fatmir & family

23 Mar 2010 59
To find Fatmir, in the midst of a now much more substantially built-up former shanty town, I was asking for directions by means of showing old photographs of my friends! When I asked a policeman in this way, he stopped a passing motorist and ordered him to lead us to my friend's house!

Albanian sunset

03 Mar 2012 188
Not a great photo, technically, but it was one of those beautiful evenings, that deserved to be recorded.

What the heck are YOU doing here?

23 Mar 2010 63
Stopped me in my tracks. A British (of course!) Renault Dodge 50, on the streets of a small Albanian town near the Montenegrin border. It was all I could do not to take him home.

For sale

Misty mountains

Misty morning

House with garage

24 Mar 2010 37
Just add walls.


Street talk


Over and out

Edge of town



81 items in total