A two-car family

Albania, 2010

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From the Aid Convoy preliminary trip to Bathorë / Kamza, near Tirana, Albania, where we resurrected our project there.

This set is the pics from my camera (and phone). Ironically, few are from Albania itself, cos I was kinda busy!

There are more of Albania, as well as the rest of the journey, in the set of photos taken by my colleague Jane. They are in a separate set, "Albania — Jane's photos" (…  (read more)

A two-car family

16 Mar 2010 61
(Not counting the others I sort of own; I've had two cars stolen over the years, so they're out there somewhere, quite possibly in component form.) This is the first, chronologically and in story-telling order, of my photos from Aid Convoy's Albania trip in early 2010. If you're just finding this in the photostream, please instead start with the set, " Albania 2010 ", which gets the order right, unlike the photostream which flickr puts in reverse order. My colleague Jane also took many photos and they are also in the photostream. To avoid chronological confusion, there's a set for them too, " Albania — Jane's photos ".

Above the snow line

20 Mar 2010 68
Night stop number 1, in a very scenic services!

Not taste.

Axle gatepost

Rest area view

21 Mar 2010 69
This is where we settled down for a quiet night in the roof tent. And the local lads proceeded to arrive and make merry very, very loudly with a pumping car stereo. I was getting kinda narked, until they played a bit of Abba. Suddenly they were a damn sight less threatening and I couldn't really mind!


On guard


Dubrovnik meets Edinburgh?

In the old town


Upper Dubrovnik

81 items in total