Kieran Turner's photos
Just going for a walk with the local cow...
Golden web spiders
Café attractions...
Monkey business
Thanks to our guide!
A brilliantly knowledgeable botany student attached himself to us in exchange for a contribution to his textbook fund!
Sometimes, you've just got to be Tarzan
Flora, and fauna
Early on, the urge was to photograph everything. Uganda was just so lush, so beautiful.
That just is cricket!
What's she got there?
Arrived in Africa!
I had a few hours to enjoy the abundance of birdlife in the grounds of the Airport Lodge in Entebbe, before Angharad's flight got in. It's a really friendly place I'd not hesitate to recommend. Once she arrived, it really felt like a proper African adventure was beginning...
Entebbe Airport Guest House
One of the many basically unspoilt 1920s (and thereabouts) buildings that make up Entebbe's fascinating architecture.
Relax mate.
Seasonal plants are relative...
Clipping the moon
Lodwar airport