
Winter and Christmas


01 Jan 2022 28 30 528
Well, another year has gone flying by. I wish you all a good 2022. ..and for "Sight and Sound' (always a song) Muse from their album "The Resistance" (2009) Live: Uprising Uprising

Tis the Season...

21 Dec 2021 34 28 435
A Merry Christmas to everyone! :) You haven't seen me around for a while, only because I haven't been taking many photos lately. I thought this amaryllis that my son gave me would make a cheerful holiday image that you'll hopefully enjoy. Wishing you all good health and Happy holidays! ...and for "Sight and Sound:" Dan Fogelberg from "The First Christmas Morning" album (1999) This Endris Night


13 Feb 2021 36 28 298
Lots of snow last night.

HFF to You :)

07 Mar 2020 33 24 319
This little Chestnut-Backed Chickadee (and I) are wishing you all a very "Happy Fence Friday!" And for Sight and Sound: Wings from the album "Back to the Egg" (1979) Arrow Through Me Arrow Through Me

Hello There!

07 Mar 2020 30 21 248
An Eastern Gray Squirrel enjoying an afternoon meal. I made a little video of him here: Squirrel Video


18 Feb 2020 16 16 273
The sun came out finally. It feels so good. For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Revolver" album (1966) Good Day Sunshine Good Day Sunshine

Dramatic Falls

18 Feb 2020 26 37 373
Dickerson Creek Waterfall This week in SSC: "Dramatic Picture" (From Mirriam Webster: striking in appearance or effect.) I had a little drama to go along with my "Dramatic" photo. :) It was a gorgeous sunny day Tuesday. We decided to hike to nearby "Dickerson Creek Waterfall." I checked to make sure I had everything I needed: camera, extra lens, SD card, ND filter, fully charged battery, and my tripod. When I got up to the falls I realized that I forgot one very important thing... my tripod adapter! :-O So my plan of long exposure photos wasn't going to happen. Luckily there was a railing I was able to lean on for this shot. ...and for Sight and Sound: The Eagles from their album "Desperado" (1973) Bitter Creek

Snow Covered Olympic Mts.


30 Jan 2020 27 32 312
This week in SSC: "Panoramic Photography" (Hood Canal, Wa.) This is a favorite spot down the hill from where I live. Thankfully, we got a break in the rain the other day so I could sneak down there and get a couple of shots. I used the "Panorama" setting on my camera. (Another clickable image below.) This place reminds me of a postcard so I thought I'd use this song for "Sight and Sound." Chicago from their "Chicago VII" album (1974) Wishing You Were Here Wishing You Were Here

White Out!

16 Jan 2020 16 20 211
The first real snow of 2020. It was really coming down today!

Winter Light

15 Jan 2020 26 35 308
HFF, everyone! :) ...and for Sight and Sound: Linda Ronstadt from her album "Winter Light" (1993) Winter Light Winter Light

Wild Life

13 Jan 2020 52 37 420
This week in SSC: "Rule of Thirds" We got some snow this week so this little one was out playing in it. ...and for Sight and Sound: Paul McCartney and Wings from their album "Wild Life" (1971) Wild Life Wild Life

Let it Snow! ❄ ❄ ❄

20 Dec 2019 28 37 318
This week in SSC: "Anything related to Christmas" This is little Melton. He was a present from my son probably 15 years ago. I always enjoy seeing his sweet face each winter. He's hoping we'll get some snow here real soon. Wishing you all a happy holiday season! :) ...and for Sight and Sound: Let it Snow Let it Snow

HFF and Happy Holidays to you all! :)

19 Dec 2019 31 32 327
This joyous little bird is an American gold finch which is our state bird here in Washington. I hope everyone has a nice holiday. :) ...and for Sight and Sound: George Winston from his album "December" (1982) Joy Joy


17 Dec 2019 21 14 342
Here's little Marble swaddled in his heated outdoor blanket where he sleeps on "This Endris Night." For Sight and Sound: A lovely 15th century Christmas carol by Dan Fogelberg from his album "The First Christmas Day" (1999) This Endris Night This Endris Night

Christmas Galaxy

11 Dec 2019 17 18 331
Happy Holiday Season, everyone! For Sight and Sound: Stevie Wonder from his album "Characters" (1987) Galaxy Paradise Galaxy Paradise

Coming Up

22 Feb 2019 29 38 383
This week in SSC: Focus Eye test: Can you tell which bunch of daffodills I was focusing on? If not, you might need to get your eyes checked. ;-) The great thing about daffodils is that you only have to plant them once. Then every year they will be coming up! For Sight and Sound: Paul McCartney from his album "McCartney II" (1980) Live: Coming Up Coming Up cute: Making of Coming Up


11 Feb 2019 9 11 297
The Welcome Bunnies are braving the snow. Another pic of them in warmer times.

84 items in total