Parking Boy on Jiagumen Wai

Holga 猴哥

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Folder: China
The Holga camera was designed by T. M. Lee in 1982. It first appeared outside China in 1982 in Hong Kong. At the time, 120 roll film in black-and-white was the most widely available film in mainland China. The Holga was intended to provide an inexpensive mass-market camera for working-class Chinese in order to record family portraits and events.However, the rapid adoption of the 35 mm film format,…  (read more)

Anton on Fire

Girl waiting

Girl (with trendy ears)

China's Golden Youth

Cart | 798 | Beijing


Hutong Sunset

Imperial Time Sedan Chair

Pan Jia Yuan Road

Traditional Chinese Door

Gate to the Altar of Earth

Man with the Moooovie Camera

67 items in total