Carpathians ⽊ between Bratislava and Stupava

Karpaty 카르파티아산맥 Carpathians

Folder: Slovakia
The Small Carpathians are about 100 km long, mountain range, part of the Carpathian Mountains. The mountains are situated in Western Slovakia, covering the area from Bratislava to Nové Mesto nad Váhom, and a very small part called Hundsheimer Berge (or Hainburger Berge) is situated in northeastern Austria. They are bordered by Záhorie Lowland in the west and Danubian Lowland in the east.

In 1976,…  (read more)

Carpathians ⽊ between Bratislava and Stupava

27 Nov 2018 32 13 840
The Little Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (Slovak: Chránená krajinná oblasť Malé Karpaty) is one of the 14 protected landscape areas in Slovakia. The Landscape Area is situated in West Slovakia, from Bratislava till Čachtice village n the Trenčín Region. Little Carpathians are the borderline mountains of the Inner Western Carpathians. The highest point is Záruby at 768 m and the deciduous trees are dominant, with the beech, linden, European ash, and sycamore maple being most widespread. Insects include 700 species of butterflies and 20 species of ants. Notable species of birds are represented by the rock thrush, northern wheatear, black stork, European honey buzzard, short-toed eagle, Eurasian eagle-owl, long-eared owl, and European nightjar. The Landscape Area is home to the largest population of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) in whole Slovakia.

Moss' green glazes through the November forest

Carpathian forest mist

tea party in a forest

27 Nov 2018 5 772
Combine forest hiking with a good sip of a vintage tea is great. Should you try that sometime, add some extra tea utensils and real leaf tea to make a fresh brew with hot water packed separately. Alternatively you may boil spring forest water if you can. That would be even more special.

Pu'er tea with friends in the autumn forest

27 Nov 2018 9 3 531
Pu'er or pu-erh tea is produced in the Southwest in China, Yunnan Province. Not only it has a unique old smells and colour, but it is believed it beneficial for health, nourishing the stomach and reduce fats, so more and more people fall in love with it. What most people know is the fermented or "dark" pu-erh, with a deep reddish-brown tones of colour. The taste is mellow and earthy. This is what we call a “ripe” or in Chinese shu or shou pu-erh tea . Basics to brew “ripe” pu-erh the is first to wash it by hot water, in order to rinse away any impurities acquired during processing so that the flavour of the liquor is more pure. Puerh tea is usually prepared in Yixing teapot or a gaiwan (Chinese lidded bowl as shown on the photo). With much further ado, after rinsing 1-3 times pour boiling water into the teapot/gaiwan and then brush away the bubbles floating in the water with the lid. After 10-20 seconds you can pour out the tea for drinking. Puerh tea usually can brewed for about ten infusions, the higher quality tea the more infusions. You can enjoy graduating the year of riping followed by lighter and lighter taste.


Ľadopád [冰瀑]

Little Buddha


Mr. Dao [ 刀]

My friend, the tree

Slim and fat tree




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