
Impressions of Nature [color]

From the Spring series

From the Spring series

Pine in:focus

"Un tappeto di fiori" or Just colour left after th…

From the Spring series

Field Poppy

15 Jun 2019 3 1 188
Papaver rhoeas - Vlčí mak - la amapola silvestre - ヒナゲシ - Silkkiunikko

Carpathians ⽊ between Bratislava and Stupava

27 Nov 2018 32 13 846
The Little Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (Slovak: Chránená krajinná oblasť Malé Karpaty) is one of the 14 protected landscape areas in Slovakia. The Landscape Area is situated in West Slovakia, from Bratislava till Čachtice village n the Trenčín Region. Little Carpathians are the borderline mountains of the Inner Western Carpathians. The highest point is Záruby at 768 m and the deciduous trees are dominant, with the beech, linden, European ash, and sycamore maple being most widespread. Insects include 700 species of butterflies and 20 species of ants. Notable species of birds are represented by the rock thrush, northern wheatear, black stork, European honey buzzard, short-toed eagle, Eurasian eagle-owl, long-eared owl, and European nightjar. The Landscape Area is home to the largest population of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) in whole Slovakia.

Carpathian forest mist

Colours, shapes, nature

You cannot stop the nature

Cardamom forest

In Forest III.

In Forest II.

In Forest I.

Kinabalu park

03 Jan 2015 1 542
Kinabalu Park, in the State of Sabah on the northern end of the island of Borneo, is dominated by Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. It has a very wide range of habitats, from rich tropical lowland and hill rainforest to tropical mountain forest, sub-alpine forest and scrub on the higher elevations. It has been designated as a Centre of Plant Diversity for Southeast Asia and is exceptionally rich in species with examples of flora from the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malaysia, as well as pan-tropical flora.

121 items in total