Prayer - I do not believe in money, career, material stuff and the comunist party

Dongyue Temple 东岳庙

Folder: China
Dongyue Temple was founded in 1319. Zhang Liusun (1248-1321). The temple is organized around 3 main courtyards, it has 376 rooms and covers 4.7 hectares. The courtyards hold a collection of stone tablets. About 140 stone tablets dating from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties as well as from the Republic of China are thought to have once stood in the temple, 90 tablets remain today. Among the remai…  (read more)

Prayer - I do not believe in money, career, materi…

Prayer girls

Daoist monk

Bronze horse statue

02 Jun 2010 458
Rub the Lucky Testicles of the bronze horse on the outer terrace, as you will be needing all the assistance you can get.

Taoisticky mnich ide do prace

Vojdi a najdes tao

Incense nonsens, but a nice view

03 Mar 2009 4 4 1256
The taoist temples, crouching surrounded by highrise buildings and big roads in Beijing create true oases for our souls.

Ao [鼇]

01 Jan 2009 330
In Chinese tradition the creator goddess Nü Gua cuts the legs off a giant sea turtle (Ao) and uses them to prop up the sky after Gong Gong damages Buzhou Mountain that had supported the sky. Researchers of the early Chinese mythology also note that the flat undershell and round domed upper shell of a turtle resembles the ancient Chinese idea of a flat earth and round domed sky.

Steles in light



Stele / flower


Non commie red

Praying to tao

27 items in total