GrahamH's photos
4052 Tamworth 0607 052
4051 Tamworth 0607 051
4050 Tamworth 0607 050
4049 Tamworth 0607 049
4048 Tamworth 0607 048
Daves Hill telecommunications radiocomms building and tower. This is a hill at Tamworth, NSW June 2007.
4209 Nundle area 0607 209
4208 Nundle area 0607 208
4207 Nundle area 0607 207
4206 Nundle area 0607 206
Nundle area south of Tamworth. Farm workers accommodation and silos holding grain for stock feed.
4205 Nundle area 0607 205
4066 Nundle 0607 066
4065 Nundle 0607 065
4064 Nundle 0607 064
4063 Nundle 0607 063
Shearing shed for sheep and partly behind the tree on the right rooms for the shearers to live in. Nundle area. June 2007.
4062 Nundle 0607 062
4061 Nundle 0607 061