HappySnapper's photos

wk01-22 5068

04 Jan 2022 8 15 311
Once upon a time not so long ago I could look out through our bedroom window across wooded farmland and beautiful sunrises. Now I look out of the same window and see this.

wk49-21 5042

09 Dec 2021 19 19 243
On Monday 13th December I start a journey which will be the biggest adventure of my life, many have travelled this road before me and many will follow. At the end of this adventure I will be rid of this illness that has plagued me over the past year and I will be able to fulfil everything I wanted to do in my remaining years. I will not be able to share my Christmas with you in the way Ipernity members do, but by Springtime I hope to be back with my camera looking for Daffodils and Catkins , birds building their nests and waterfowl jealously guarding their young families, all the things I enjoy and that bring me pleasure. My thoughts also go to those in our community who still have pain and sadness and I am sure we all know someone in that situation, we wish them well and hope they find some respite and comfort over the Christmas period. Until then I wish you all a very happy Christmas, thank you all for your visits, comments, and interest, may the new year bring you health, and happiness. Stay safe everyone. Maurice.

wk50-21 4998

05 Dec 2021 16 7 203
A sole Coal Tit at the feeder: These were a very common visitor to the garden last year and I have been waiting ages for them to return. This is the first one I have seen this year and only managed to get the shot in by remote control. Sorry I can't offer anymore, My operation is just one week away now (Subject to ICU beds being available). Then after two months recovery I will be back behind the camera out in the field. Best viewed large.

wk46-21 4991

16 Nov 2021 35 23 255
White Fuchsia: Still have a few left

wk46-21 4958

15 Nov 2021 18 6 327
Collard Dove: Cold and overcast sky this morning, the bird feeders have been quiet busy. I scattered a few peanuts inside this one and sure enough the Dove found a way in.

wk43-21 4788

26 Oct 2021 14 5 189
Our 17 year old Patio Acer tree, It has been in the same tub since we bought it at the Suffolk county show back in 2004.

wk45-21 4829

10 Nov 2021 23 14 344
from my bedroom window just to show I am still alive and kicking.


20 Oct 2021 10 11 230
Oops ! another Electric Head.


20 Oct 2021 10 13 163
New generation of "Electric heads" Had to pay for this myself but with the new bus timetables I could wait up to an hour for a bus. Trips to town or my GP is to much for me walking both ways and no bus service at all on Sundays. I am having my post Chemotherapy scan this Saturday and hopefully if the Chemotherapy has worked I could lose that NG line feed stuck up my nose.

wk41-21 5001

16 Oct 2021 9 5 238
4 old friends Mathew, Mark Ruth and John. ( Ruth is the small beech tree imbedded on the larger Beech far right. When this was farm land and I was passing by walking the dog, I always said good morning or goodnight to each one by name. When the field was sold for housing I thought they would be felled but here they are still flourishing. I will also own up to when nobody else was in the field walking their dog giving one of them a little hug !! I hope their new neighbours will fall in love with these trees as much as I did. Plus PIP.

wk40-21 5000

10 Oct 2021 5 8 129
shot through two sets of double glazing, not the most welcome user on the bird feeder. Spent yesterday moving the feeders to a higher position away from fences and shrubs. (Then I saw another rat strapping it's self to a drone) "Crafty beggars"

wk40-21 4735

30 Sep 2021 20 12 185
Still got a couple left.

wk37-21 4720

16 Sep 2021 17 12 133
Splish splash splosh.!! A little bit of pond maintenance required here... I have news on Chemotherapy. I am now able to take in liquids by mouth albeit in small amounts without rejection, that is more than I could do a few weeks ago.

wk35-21 4643

04 Sep 2021 18 9 158
Common garden caterpillar chomping it's way through a Nasturtium leaf, I think when emerged from the chrysalis phase it will be a large white butterfly. Lens 40-150 with a Hoya +3 magnification filter.

wk35-21 4610

02 Sep 2021 16 8 224
It's only a Sparrow for the HFF. HFF Everyone and a good weekend for you all.

wk35-21 4580

01 Sep 2021 13 9 174
Love Lies Bleeding ( Amaranthus Caudatus) Common name Tassel Flower. I like to grow these usually from last years seed, but this year they are not so good, thin and stringy. They remind me of Dreadlocks, so here is a reminder. www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD3F7J2PeYU

wk34-21 4510

23 Aug 2021 22 13 205
From my back garden, Positive ID would be appreciated, I don't have any insect reference as such but nearest I get from the Internet search is a "Hornet Mimic". Large for better detail.

wk33-21 4483

20 Aug 2021 14 5 134
Same shot different lens: Taken in my Garden, wishing everybody a happy and nice weekend, stay safe and keep well. Yesterdays shot Panasonic 100-400mm, Todays shot Olympus 75-300mm.

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