depscribe's photos

19 May 2019

126 visits

The dreaded multiflora rose

The United States Department of Agriculture a generation ago encouraged farmers to make hedges of Asian multiflora roses instead of putting up fences. Problem is, birds ead the rose hips -- seed pods -- and poop the seeds all over the place, and now multiflora roses are officially a harmful invasive species. Thanks, government!

18 May 2019

111 visits

The big sycamore out front

Another test with the 25mm f1.8 Meike in 720nm infrared, shot ay f5.6. It's a manual-focus, manual aperture lens, which is fine especially on cameras with focus peaking. But it's just not wide enough. I don't think there's a way to escape getting the 14mm f2.8 Fujinon, which is reputed to be excellent for infrared. (Though the 18-135 is said to be that way, too, and it entirely sucks in IR, especially color IR.)

17 May 2019

120 visits

The Meike 25mm f1.8 and infrared

In my testing of this very charming little lens, I found that in color there's no noticeable hotspot until one gets past f5.6. Which is good performance compared to a lot of other lenses. Shot in 720nm IR.

17 May 2019

94 visits

Trees cower 'neath clouds' power

Actually, this is a test to see how well the 25mm f1.8 Meike lens works in infrared. (Answer: in black-and-white, up to f8, inclusive.) Shot in 720nm IR.

16 May 2019

103 visits

I like the 85mm f2 Nikkor for infrared

This was made with the old 85mm f2 AIS Nikkor that I bought used for $80 in November 1988. Its color rendering (this hasn't been corrected; only auto white balance and channel swap) has a kind of southwestern flavor, I think. The 85 Nikkor AIS lens has no hotspot that I could find.

16 May 2019

85 visits

Trying the pre-AI 50mm f1.4 Nikkor

The variation in color rendition among lenses is fascinating. This picture was made at 720nm, wide open (the old 50 f1.4 Nikkor has a noticeable hotspot beginning at f4). Only processing was in The GIMP: Auto white balance and red-blue channel swap. No correction at all.

12 May 2019

189 visits

Gray day infrared IV

And shooting under the trees over Federal Creek in rural Athens County, Ohio. Water does interesting things in infrared, no matter the light. 850nm

12 May 2019

1 favorite

143 visits

Gray day infrared III

This is under the tree canopy on College Street in Athens, Ohio. 850nm

12 May 2019

150 visits

Gray day infrared II

Here's a more open section of College Green. The trees are as always in 850nm infrared, but the sky doesn't go dark.
3638 items in total