Four Carnivores at Carnivore

Kenya - 2013

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A Spotted Hyena

27 Jan 2013 236
The rest of his pack are just visible, lazing in the bushes.

Olive Baboon

27 Jan 2013 250
It is hard to describe such a creature as cute.

Some Buffalo Keep a Watchful Eye On Us

27 Jan 2013 195
I wouldn't want to take on an angry one of these.

Maasai Warrior Leaping

27 Jan 2013 230
This is the leaping that is so typically associated with the Maasai people.

Showing Us His Piercing

27 Jan 2013 205
I asked to take this guy's photo, because of the elongated earlobes. His friend thought it hilarious and decided to highlight the situation.


Grey Crowned Cranes

28 Jan 2013 217
Gorgeous birds. This is actually the national bird of Uganda.


28 Jan 2013 211
We didn't have long with this magnificent cat. Soon after snapping this pic, it disappeared in to the long grass.

Zebra Crossing – Ha Ha!

30 Jan 2013 187
Cycling through Hell's Gate National Park, you share the road with zebras, gazelles, impalas, warthogs, and giraffes. It is a fantastic experience.

Checking Us Out

30 Jan 2013 185
A Rock Hyrax in Hell's Gate National Park.

A Hippo at the Camp Ground

28 Jan 2013 196
Camping by Lake Naivasha, the only real hazard is the presence of hippopotamuses. Generally, they stay in the water until sunset, with only their eyes and ears showing. In the early evening, though, this one started getting hungry a little earlier than his (or her) friends, and started feeding on the vegetation by the shore. Once the sun was down, the hippos all get out of the water and graze on the camp ground lawn. It really is a heart in mouth experience to be only a few metres from a wild hippopotamus. Sure, there was a “fence”, but not one that would keep an angry hippo at bay. Luckily, they are “generally” docile creatures, and leaving them alone and keeping some distance is the best policy. Probably the more important role of the fence is to keep us people from getting too close to them, not the other way around.

Camping at Lake Naivasha

30 Jan 2013 198
Storks were not our only visitors. There were the geese and the monkeys and the colobuses and the ibises and … Oh, and the hippos, of course.

Dawn, and an Egret Lands

01 Feb 2013 159
Lake Nakuru National Park.

A Waterbuck in the Morning Mist

01 Feb 2013 184
A male waterbuck grazes early near the shore of Lake Nakuru.


01 Feb 2013 204
Mum keeps an eye on us to make sure we don't get too close while her young one feeds.


01 Feb 2013 167
At Lake Nakuru National Park.

70 items in total