Four Carnivores at Carnivore

Kenya - 2013

Four Carnivores at Carnivore

23 Jan 2013 234
With Walter and Florentine. At Carnivore, it is all about the meat. Not just regular beef and chook, but buffalo, ostrich, and crocodile. Meat, meat, meat.

An Ostrich with Nairobi in the Background

25 Jan 2013 185
Nairobi National Park is considered an urban park. The planes landing at the international airport pass close by overhead, and meanwhile below, we were viewing ostriches, giraffes, antelopes, impalas, gazelles, lions, buffaloes, warthogs, and more.

Lion Snoozing in a Ditch

25 Jan 2013 205
Our first wild animal sighting in Kenya. Before all the regular animals. A lion, snoozing, during the heat of the day, in a ditch, right next to the road. We drove right up next to him. If we had not been careful, we could have run over his paws. Extremely non-fussed about us.

A Warthog with Attitude

25 Jan 2013 185
He looks ready to take on anyone and anything, but I believe deep down they are big softies.

An Inquisitive Giraffe

25 Jan 2013 200
Just checking us out. We've seen a few, and starting to learn how to identify them. This is a Maasai Giraffe, if I am not mistaken... Quite the expert, now, hey.

Bull Elephant

26 Jan 2013 219
A grazing elephant at Maasai Mara National Reserve.

The Cheetah Whose Dinner Got Away

26 Jan 2013 281
We watched it stalk a pair of gazelles, and finally run hard after one. But, it choose the wrong one. It went for the male gazelle, who was bigger, and appeared more alert and swifter than his mate. A bit further away, a pair of gazelles panted heavily as well. It is so easy to watch it and think of it as a show, but this is survival on the savannah, and a missed gazelle means another night hungry.

Sunset Over An African Savannah


27 Jan 2013 262
A bird gets a lift, and in return, eats parasites from the zebras coat.


27 Jan 2013 270
Zebras have safety in numbers. If stalked by a predator, they gather together, and the stripes make it hard for a said hunter to pick one individual out of the group.

A Stripey Behind

27 Jan 2013 279
Sometimes you don't need to see the whole animal to identify it.

Giraffe and Gazelle

27 Jan 2013 257
Maasai Giraffe and Thompson's Gazelle :) (I think...)

A Topi

27 Jan 2013 193
I have never heard of a topi before. I rally think they are beautiful, though, and I think from they are my favourite from the antelope / gazelle / deer type animals.

Lion Cub

27 Jan 2013 228
Playing in the grass, not far from the pride. I would take one home, but not sure if our pussy cats would appreciate a growing lion as a playmate or not.


27 Jan 2013 261
A pair of lions lounge in the late morning.

So Awkward

27 Jan 2013 239
A giraffe is at its most vulnerable when it has to drink. The legs have to spread wide, meaning it is not ready to run, and the head goes a long way down, meaning it is not able to keep an eye out for danger.


27 Jan 2013 199
Various adults and babies, wandering at their own paces across the open plane.

Another Warthog

27 Jan 2013 235
Showing us his most excellent profile.

70 items in total