Chuck Giordano's photos

Opening Soon

14 Jul 2018 1 82
One of many flowers in our yard beginning to open.

New Growth in the Refuge

10 Jun 2017 81
Bright new growth on the tips of the fir trees along Myrtle Creek.


10 Jun 2017 110
A Rescued Great Horned Owl. He had been hit by a logging truck and the injuries prevent a release back to the wild.

orchid 4cp

17 Feb 2013 94
From a trip to Santa Cruz, on the way home we drove through Half Moon Bay and stopped at the Orchid grower and wandered for about 2 hours.

Mistakes in exposure-embossed

28 Oct 2016 106
I underexposed this image quite a bit. after lightening the image i decided to manipulate it for fun, this is what I came up with.

Chuck G

IMG 7296sharp lighten highlights

IMG 7708

IMG 6075bw-lighting sharp

IMG 4821

IMG 7250

Green Creek Color

08 Oct 2012 112
Early morning in the Green Creek Valley.

Near Chloe's Baths

30 Jul 2012 112
End of what I consider to be the main pool at Chloe's Baths

Paintbrush in Colored Pencil

22 Apr 2012 95
Found this one growing in Red Hills, one of many, converted it to this image with an old Microsoft program. I'm partial to this filter for many reasons, it is especially nice to use with flowers.

we were there

water lily

impressionist boat B&W

22 items in total

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