Colorful signs of spring

Spring is back

Colorful signs of spring

02 Mar 2017 18 25 809
Villa "Les Rhumbs", Christian Dior's childhood home in Granville, is a Belle Epoque style 19th century clifftop villa overlooking the sea. It is the only "Musée de France" labeled French museum dedicated to a couturier and presents Haute Couture garments on three floors. The garden, arranged as an English landscape park by Madeleine Dior, the fashion designer's mother, is one of the rare today remaining artists' gardens of the early 20th century.

Chinese spring inspirations - HFF

02 Apr 2017 19 39 755
Die "Chinesische Pforte" am Untertor fügt sich besonders bei der Kirschblüte im Frühling wunderbar ins Stadtbild ein.

Cherry blossom

02 Apr 2017 5 6 562
Das Türmchen mit den alten Häusern war einst Teil der Stadtmauer um Hofheim.

Cadre printanier pour maisons à colombages

New Life around the old castle

22 Mar 2017 6 10 780
(Château de Ste Suzanne, un des plus beaux villages de France)

Invitation for the first spring rest - HBM

22 Mar 2017 12 28 535
A bench which is dear to me...

Invitation for a stroll around

09 Apr 2017 8 15 553
La "Fosse Arthour" à Saint-Georges-de-Rouelley

Patchwork with flowers

12 Mar 2017 6 15 777
Merry spring to everyone

Spring impressions... HANWE

18 Mar 2021 36 56 298
Impressions de printemps... Frühlingsimpressionen...

"Je me présente : je m'appelle Helleborus x hybrid…

25 Feb 2017 5 15 559
"May I introduice myself ? My name is Helleborus x hybridus..."

First shy spring messengers

22 Jan 2018 11 32 802
Fleurs découvertes dans le jardin le 22 janvier *** Blüten im Garten am 22. Januar

Survival power and hope to succeed


Ipernity friends: happy Easter

27 Mar 2018 7 21 482
Joyeuses Pâques - Frohe Ostern - Buona Pasqua

Spring is coming on...

06 Mar 2019 30 62 501
Le printemps pointe son nez... Der Frühling streckt seine Nase raus...

Under the blooming magnolia...

31 Mar 2018 21 34 648
... with the full Easter moon at the night sky.

On the edge of the road

Nature wakes up...

03 Feb 2021 24 48 297
La nature se réveille... Die Natur wacht auf...

72 items in total