Little chapel in the grassland

Night shots and blue hour

Little chapel in the grassland

14 Sep 2019 22 30 434
In a vast grassland, further along the river Sarthe there is this small 15th C. chapel on the site where Saint-Ceneri originally settled. The chapel contains a statue of the Saint to which various miracles have been attributed: young ladies hoping to get married soon should bring a needle with them to the chapel to stick in the robe of the saint - if it stays in place you will be married within a year. Equally, ladies wanting to get pregnant should lie on the large stone in the chapel floor, which was the stone on which the saint slept, and can expect to fall pregnant shortly.

Caution! Looks like Dracula's castle...

02 Dec 2013 17 25 1125
Thanks Serge, for the idea with the bats!!

At nightfall in a quaint little town

04 Dec 2017 13 17 743
The market place ready for the Christmas market in Eppstein (Taunus mountains, Germany).

Encore un petit bonjour avant de partir...

21 Dec 2024 31 64 156
... pour fêter Noël en famille. Ici la mairie et le sapin dans leurs atours de Noël, ainsi que tout le centre-ville. ONE MORE GREETING BEFORE HEADING OFF to celebrate Christmas with the family. Here the town hall and fir tree in their Christmas finery, as well as the whole city center. NOCH EIN KLEINER GRUSS, BEVOR WIR LOSFAHREN zur Weihnachtsfeier mit der Familie. Hier das Rathaus und Tannenbaum im Weihnachtsschmuck, sowie die gesamte Innenstadt.

Nocturne lavalloise...

Night ride on the river

08 Dec 2017 31 48 1158
Enchanted walk on the river 3° place au "Contest Without Price" (2023/12): After Dark.

Pourvu d'un plafond scintillant: le vieux pont

02 Dec 2017 14 27 756
The old bridge with a glittering ceiling

La mairie en habits de Noël

06 Dec 2017 10 27 928
The town hall in Christmas dress

Warm season's greetings to all Ipernity friends

19 Dec 2022 32 37 266
Before leaving a few days to celebrate Christmas with the familiy, I want to wish you a happy holiday season. Avant de partir quelques jours pour célébrer Noël en famille, je viens vous souhaiter de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année. Bevor ich über Weihnachten ein paar Tage wegfahre, um im Familienkreis zu feiern, möchte ich euch allen frohe Weihnachtstage wünschen.

Night shot from the City hall

Not a Disney attraction - but the church in Tinten…

09 Dec 2014 7 11 741
Christmas illumination

Magical moment before nightfall

16 Sep 2015 15 16 454
3rd PODIUM WINNER, CWP DECEMBER 2020 Lindau’s harbour entrance draws visitors from far and wide. The Bavarian Lion and the New Lighthouse stand majestically against the impressive backdrop of the Alps and Lake Constance. Moment magique avant la tombée de la nuit. L'entrée du port de Lindau attire des visiteurs de tous horizons. Le lion bavarois et le nouveau phare se dressent majestueusement devant l'impressionnant décor des Alpes et du lac de Constance.

Under the blooming magnolia...

31 Mar 2018 21 34 648
... with the full Easter moon at the night sky.

Voilà ce qui arrive après Halloween :

31 Oct 2020 29 38 419
pas de loup-garou, mais de "coq-garou" sur le toit ;-) This is what happens after Halloween: not werewolf, but "were-rooster"on the roof;-) Sowas passiert nach Halloween : nicht Werwolf, sondern "Werhahn" auf dem Dach;-)

Clair de lune

15 Jun 2019 23 36 562
Moonlight over Saint Jean-de-Luz. In the background the mountain "Rhune", first summit of the Pyrenees.

Bon 14 Juillet pour mes amis français

13 Jul 2017 46 54 1250
Je reprends un collage photo que j'ai réalisé il y a 7 ans pour vous le présenter à nouveau aujourd'hui. Ciel artistique pour le 14 Juillet... Allongée dans l'herbe et admirer le feu d'artifice au-dessus de nos têtes. Mes plus belles prises sur une seule vue (merci Photoshop!). Lying in the grass and looking up at the sky's ephemeral splendor. Artistic sky for July 14 ... Lying in the grass and admiring the fireworks above our heads. My best shots on a single view (thanks Photoshop!). Künstlerischer Himmel für den 14. Juli ... Im Gras liegen und das Feuerwerk über unseren Köpfen bewundern. Meine besten Aufnahmen in einer einzigen Ansicht (danke Photoshop!).

Games of flames: the power of fire

Twilight arrives and the show begins...

11 Dec 2018 13 12 392
Make dream young and old... At 5.30 pm during the whole month of December the thousands of lights are lit all together at the same time, it's just magical to see the hills adorned with its garments of light (see the 2nd PiP for a night view). Christmas illuminations in a little village in Normandy (Beauchêne, 250 inhabitants).

38 items in total