Chris Bowness' photos
The Watcher
I walk here quite often. It's a walk along the edge of a cliff. This natural stone formation always makes me stop and look for a moment.
Trees and Stars
I spent a couple of days around Cannich taking pictures of the night sky. I need to make time to try some more!
Tomb with a View
The Fife Tree
I visited this tree that is on the border of Fife and Perth & Kinross in Scotland. I took pictures from two angles and I share the previous shot that I've posted of this tree PIP.
Northern Lights
I had seen the alerts for the Northern Lights so I decided to head up the hills to get a picture. As I headed up, I took this on the way. It was just as well as they were gone by the time I'd reached the top.
I have a brighter enhanced version of this picture, but I decided to share the more accurate version as many photographers are criticized for the turning up the colour.
Tentsmuir morning
My friend and I walked 67 miles (108km) along the Ochil hills to St Andrews one October. On the last night, we camped in Tentsmuir forest and we awoke to this fabulous sunrise above the sea. It's always rewarding spending time outside.
I've embedded a PIP of where we camped and my friend in front of the glorious sky as the sun was coming up.
Glen Brittle
I've not been able to walk as much I'd like as I've been busy. I managed to get a walk on my local hill last Sunday and I snapped this picture on my walk back.
At the Beach
Beech Trees
Back of Beyond
Looking over the Rough Bonds of Knoydart, in Scotland, from near the top of Luinne Bheinn. Some people call this mountain "Loony Bin".
Where the wind blows
The Lairig Leacach Bothy
I took this picture the morning after we had spent the night in this bothy. The bothy used to be a shelter for shepherds and land workers, but now is open for anyone to use. It is maintained by the Mountain Bothy Association (MBA) and this picture was included in their 2020 calendar.
This twilight picture was taken handheld with my mobile. It is of the Tay estuary, from Newburgh, looking eastwards towards the distant lights of Dundee. The clouds were reflected in the still water. I liked the surreal look of this.
Beneath a falling tree
This is a bracketed seven shot HDR that I took with my Olympus EP-1 around a dozen years ago. I used the open source QTPFSGUI to tonemap it and finished it in Gimp. After taking this picture I realised I was standing under a tree that had fallen and was being held up by just a few small branches above me. I learned to take more care in the woods that day...
A lane in Prague
I took this picture with my phone as I liked the light. I made it B&W as I found the colour distracting.
Wood Hill
Wood Hill is my favourite viewpoint on the Ochil Hills. I've taken many pictures here of which this is one. I set off with the intention of getting a sunset picture and I was in luck on this occasion. This is a five shot bracketed HDR which I tone mapped in Luminance HDR and finished in Gimp.