Sandwich Bay View

Sandwich Bay

Folder: Nature Spaces


Bedstraw Broomrape

11 Jun 2010 267
One of the only places that you can find this rare plant in good numbers most years is Sandwich Bay.

Scarce Chaser Dragonfly

12 Jun 2010 288
This guy was on the North Stream, where as we had been told they are emerging on the RIver Delph.

Common Blue Damselfly

Common Broomrape

11 Jun 2010 216
There is a nice sized colony of this growing on the sea front, along with one of the only considerable sized colonies of the rare Bedstraw or Clove-scented Broom Rape.

Tree lupin

11 Jun 2010 253
These are a high protein source of food for livestock, they have come from California and are now growing wild in many places in the UK.

The Spectacle -Side

The Spectacle Face with Spectacles

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Pupa 2

11 Jun 2010 226
Spun up and safe, now waiting to emerge. We saw soo many of these pupae in the fields that I was able to get them in different stages.

Swan Family

12 Jun 2010 239
One the North Stream, what a great sight to see sooo many of this herd have survived this far.

Holly Blue Butterfly

Privet Hawk-moth -Top

Orchard Ermine Caterpillar

Privet Hawk-moth Side

Privet Hawk-moth

Privet Hawk-moth -Top

12 Jun 2010 198
This guy had emerged earlier in the day and we sat with him for over an hour while he waited for dusk to take off.

Privet Hawk-moth

Swans on North Stream

121 items in total