Sandwich Bay View

Sandwich Bay

Folder: Nature Spaces

Sandwich Bay View

Southern Marsh Orchid

Grass Rivulet

Southern Marsh Orchid Flowers

Ragged Robin

11 Jun 2010 284
This is a lovely little flower which is becoming quite rare as well.

Small Little Lovelyness

11 Jun 2010 244
Tiny little yellow flowers on this alpine looking grown covering plant. Update: Biting Stonecrop.

Small Tortoiseshell on Southern Marsh Orchid

11 Jun 2010 288
Newly emerged Tortoiseshell butterfly waiting for some warmth on the Orchid.

Yellow Shell Moth

11 Jun 2010 253
My main reason for wanting to visit Sandwich Bay was the moths in the area, not only can you often find moths by day like this beautiful one, but they run 3-4 MV traps and have been running the same Actinic set up we use every day!!

Lizard Orchid

Lizard Orchid

11 Jun 2010 293
So one of the reasons for our trip was a bit of Orchid hunting, This one is really one of the most spectacular Orchids, but terribly hard to photograph and not quite in full bloom yet.

Lizard Orchid

11 Jun 2010 238
These spindly 'tails' are really lovely but hard to get nice shots of.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet

11 Jun 2010 270
If you look at the large image you can see he is just beginning to spin his pupa.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Pupa

11 Jun 2010 235
Another pupa, this one has spun but hasn't turned white yet.


Slow Worm

11 Jun 2010 285
On the walks and fields they manage they place several corrugated tins down to keep an eye on the reptile life that use them. We must have seen about 30 slow worms during the three days. They also often get Common Lizards and we saw one Grass snake enjoying the warmth. I think most folks will know what these are, but if you don't.. They are not actually worms or snakes but legless lizards. You can tell because they have eye lids and snakes do not. They are a protected species and we do actually have them in the Hastings, East Sussex area, but I've only ever seen one dead baby one and one detached tail.

Yellow-horned Poppy

Common Broomrape

Bedstraw Broomrape

11 Jun 2010 244
Grrrr look at those

121 items in total