Patio Life: Vapourer Caterpillars

Moths of 2013

Folder: All Moths

Sallow Kitten Furcula furcula

19 Aug 2013 1 195
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Ruby Tiger

19 Aug 2013 200
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa

19 Aug 2013 195
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Marbled Green Cryphia muralis

19 Aug 2013 175
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Jersey Tiger

19 Aug 2013 1 197
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Jersey Tiger

19 Aug 2013 1 196
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctaria

19 Aug 2013 2 241
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Gold Spot Plusia festucae

17 Aug 2013 1 224
Star of the catch 15 Aug 2013

Gold Spot

17 Aug 2013 205
Stars of the catch 15 Aug 2013.

Orange Swift Hepialus sylvina

17 Aug 2013 194
Stars of the catch 16 Aug 2013. First for our garden

Swallow Prominent Pheosia tremula

17 Aug 2013 193
Stars of the catch 16 Aug 2013.

Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi

17 Aug 2013 193
Stars of the catch 16 Aug 2013.

Apodia bifractella - Dark Fleabane Neb

Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminis

Orange Swift Hepialus sylvina

Oidaematophorus lithodactyla - Dusky Plume

Acleris forsskaleana - Maple Button

Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata

391 items in total