Small Tortoiseshell

Hastings Country Park

Folder: Nature Spaces
Our largest Nature Reserve near Hastings.

Corizus hyoscyami

16 May 2014 2 254
Lovely bugs!

Sawfly Needs Name

16 May 2014 184
I Just can't decide if this is a nomad type wasp or a sawfly, any help appreciated. Thanks Rockwolf for getting me to the sawfly ID.


16 May 2014 195
In full swing.

Yellowhammer Male

16 May 2014 205
Perched nicely

Peregrine Falcon

16 May 2014 229
More of a record shot, one of the adults, we could hear the young ones screeching away a few metres up the cliff face in the Gorse. I was well pleased to see this bird, I knew we had a nesting pair every year but had never gotten more than a glimpse in the sky!

Speckled Yellow Moth

16 May 2014 2 352
Loads of these flying about right now, everyone always thinks they are butterflies :)

Ribwort Plantain

16 May 2014 1 183
Always love these flowers :)

Cocksfoot Moth

16 May 2014 200
Tiny little moths flitting about

Common Spiny Digger Wasp

Hairy Beetle

08 Jul 2013 1 2 159
Thanks to Rockwofl for the ID of Lagria hirta on this fluffy beetle.

Bird Island

Rosebay Willowherb

Young Dunnock

08 Jul 2013 1 1 200
This lovely lady was hiding in the bracken, came up onto the fence briefly for this shot, looks young and has a rather long tail. Meadow Pipit maybe? Update: Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID on this one.

Yellow Hammer

08 Jul 2013 164
Singing to me in the trees :)

Large Skipper

Unknown Hiding Place

08 Jul 2013 1 254
Not sure what this is, found quite a few on the bracken, spider eggs maybe or ....

Meadow Brown

08 Jul 2013 1 1 184
Was the first that would sit still for me of the year

Common Spiny Digger Wasp

08 Jul 2013 1 166
We spent over an hour at this site watching these amazing wasps, I've got a small series of photos still yet to put up of one with prey, they hunt small flies, and a video of one digging!

300 items in total