Green-veined Orchid


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Folder: Wild Kingdom
Wildflowers are one of my favorite nature subjects, mainly cause they can't fly away :)

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchids @ Combe Haven Countryside Park

Marsh Woundwort

Patio Life: Sneak Peek

20 Jun 2014 1 282
These are so fast, the slightest wind or rain and the bloom is done for, got lucky and caught one.

Patio Life: Mullein

20 Jun 2014 1 1 268
I've had this plant two years now. I was soo happy to have it show up on the patio last year and waited and waited for it to bloom, then I found out that they can take two years to mature. Its finally arrived!

Slender St John's Wort

Helleborine sp

15 Jun 2014 267
Still waiting... for them to be in bloom. I still can't decide if these are Violet or Broad-leaved Helleborine. Not sure we will know for sure until we see the flowers. Costing a fortune in Taxi fares to get there every two

Marsh Thistle Across Valley

Sorrel and Wasp

Yellow Rattle

Orchid And Ribwort

Common Spotted Orchid

Helleborine Sp.

31 May 2014 1 200
We went out to Brede High Wood looking for Bird's Nest Orchid. Its been seen there but only one, and only once. We didn't find it but we did find some nice Helleborine sp of plant, we will go back to see exactly which one this coming weekend.

Patio Life: Foxglove

29 May 2014 3 237
Its really hard to get nice close shots of these flowers, I've tried every which way, but I don't mind this too much, although a exiting or entering bumble would have been nice lol

Patio Life: Figwort or Water Betony

29 May 2014 158
Rescued this plant from a task day at our local park, from a wet meadow we work on a lot. I love the shape of these flowers.

Dew the Buttercup

539 items in total