Green-veined Orchid


Folder: Wild Kingdom
Wildflowers are one of my favorite nature subjects, mainly cause they can't fly away :)

Life in a Buttercup

Green-veined Orchid in a Buttercup

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Early Purple Orchids

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid

Green-veined Orchid Group

Friston Helleborines

07 Jul 2014 1 1 637
Finally found one Helleborine sp. that is what its supposed to look like just before blooming, stll not sure what this one was either, and we havent been back yet.

Yellow Birds Nest Flowers

Yellow Birds Nest Monotropa hypopitys

Yellow Birds Nest Monotropa hypopitys

07 Jul 2014 1 580
These are often confused with Orchids, Birds Nest Orchid. Although you can see by the flowers that its very different. I only found out about them in looking for locations to see Birds Nest Orchid, my other half has never seen them, and we are on a mission to see one somewhere. The stalks of the orchid often remain so in looking for those (as they've gone over for this year), we found these. They are actually quite a rare plant, and come in a range of color from Bright Red, Bright Yellow (hence the name) and this more muted tones of pinks and yellows. They grow in dark woods, these happened to be in Beech Woods and we were very glad to find a cluster of about 30 plants at different stages.

Yellow Birds Nest

07 Jul 2014 570
These are often confused with Orchids, Birds Nest Orchid. Although you can see by the flowers that its very different. I only found out about them in looking for locations to see Birds Nest Orchid, my other half has never seen them, and we are on a mission to see one somewhere. The stalks of the orchid often remain so in looking for those (as they've gone over for this year), we found these. They are actually quite a rare plant, and come in a range of color from Bright Red, Bright Yellow (hence the name) and this more muted tones of pinks and yellows. They grow in dark woods, these happened to be in Beech Woods and we were very glad to find a cluster of about 30 plants at different stages.

Yellow Birds Nest Flower

07 Jul 2014 570
These are often confused with Orchids, Birds Nest Orchid. Although you can see by the flowers that its very different. I only found out about them in looking for locations to see Birds Nest Orchid, my other half has never seen them, and we are on a mission to see one somewhere. The stalks of the orchid often remain so in looking for those (as they've gone over for this year), we found these. They are actually quite a rare plant, and come in a range of color from Bright Red, Bright Yellow (hence the name) and this more muted tones of pinks and yellows. They grow in dark woods, these happened to be in Beech Woods and we were very glad to find a cluster of about 30 plants at different stages.

539 items in total