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Red-Veined Darter m (Sympetrum fonscolombii) 03
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Exposure:0.00313 sec. (1/320)
Focal Length:90.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 135.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Shutter speed priority AE
Max Aperture:3.1
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:1820 x 1213 pixels
Original Date:2013:06:08 16:36:50.40
Created on:2013:06:08 16:36:50.40
Modified on:2013:06:09 21:52:31.40
Software:Capture NX 2.4.1 W
AF Aperture3.2
AF Area ModeSingle Area
AF Info 2 Version0100
AF Points UsedCenter
Active D-LightingAuto
Auto Distortion ControlOff
Auto FocusOn
Blue Balance1.304688
CFA Pattern[Red,Green][Green,Blue]
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Contrast Detect AFOff
Contrast Detect AF In FocusNo
CreatorBruce Hyde
Crop Hi SpeedOff (6080x4012 cropped to 6080x4012 at pixel 0,0)
Custom RenderedNormal
Depth Of Field0.13 m (1.20 - 1.33)
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Effective Max Aperture3.2
Exif Version0230
Exit Pupil Position81.9 mm
Exposure Bracket Value0
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure Difference0
Exposure ModeAuto
Exposure Tuning0
Field Of View14.1 deg (0.31 m)
File SourceDigital Camera
Filter Effectn/a
Firmware Version1.01a
Flash ModeDid Not Fire
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format135 mm
Focus Distance1.26 m
Focus ModeAF-C
Focus Position0x22
Gain ControlLow gain up
High ISO Noise ReductionNormal
Hue AdjustmentNone
Hyperfocal Distance22.47 m
IFD0 Offset14762
ISO ExpansionOff
ISO Expansion 2Off
ISO Setting400
Image Data Size565954
Image Size1820x1213
Lens90mm f/2.8 G
Lens Data Version0204
Lens F Stops7.00
Lens IDTamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 (272NII)
Lens ID Number248
Lens TypeG
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value14.7
MCU Version223
Maker Note Version2.11
Max Aperture At Max Focal2.8
Max Aperture At Min Focal2.8
Max Focal Length89.8 mm
Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
Min Focal Length89.8 mm
Multi Exposure Auto GainOff
Multi Exposure ModeOff
Multi Exposure Shots0
Multi Exposure Version0100
NEF Bit DepthUnknown (12 0 21313 18755)
Nikon Capture VersionCapture NX 2.4.1 W
Noise ReductionOff
Offset Schema3878
Phase Detect AFOn (11-point)
Picture Control AdjustFull Control
Picture Control BaseStandard
Picture Control NameStandard
Picture Control Quick AdjustNormal
Picture Control Version0100
Preview IFD Offset14662
Primary AF PointCenter
Program Shift0
Rating Percent1
Raw Image Center3040 2006
Red Balance2.019531
Reference Black White0 255 0 255 0 255
Resolution Unitinches
Retouch HistoryNone
Rights(C)2013 {your name}, all rights reserved
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity TypeRecommended Exposure Index
Shooting ModeContinuous, Auto ISO
Shot Info Version0224
Shutter Count1783
Sub Sec Time40
Sub Sec Time Digitized40
Sub Sec Time Original40
SubjectSympetrum, Dragonfly
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Thumbnail Offset18856
Toning Effectn/a
Toning Saturationn/a
Usage TermsFor consideration only, no reproduction without prior permission
VR Info Version0100
Vibration ReductionOff
WB GRBG Levels256 517 334 256
WB RB Levels2.01953125 1.3046875 1 1
White BalanceAuto
White Balance Fine Tune0 0
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.1.1
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0.299 0.587 0.114
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered

GPS Information

GPS Latitude42 deg 33' 8.70" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude2 deg 53' 40.24" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Position42 deg 33' 8.70" N, 2 deg 53' 40.24" E
GPS Version ID2.3.0.0