beverley's photos

now confident to share . . .

04 Feb 2024 6 26 171
I was asked by someone to show an image of my leg after surgery for cancer, I did not feel confident or able to do so then, now it is twelve months since the operation and it has not spread, and the wound is now healed (within the last month) and am slowly building up my strength and confidence . . . it is not easy . . . I had not idea that the operation would be done without anaesthetic . . . I will never forget the ordeal ever, but on the bright side . . soon warmer days, longer daylight hours will be here and I hope that will help also in my recovery. It was not easy to post this, but in some ways it has helped me come to terms with the ordeal. I expect no comments, not necessary, this has been a challenge for me, I've done it . . and I'm pleased that I have, bed rest with leg raised for five days minimum, that was not easy for me, no sitting at the computer !!! but . . . now I am hopefully ok, just the memories remain.

contemplation . . .

04 Nov 2023 13 18 135
* contemplation shown as seen . . . colours and curves go round and round what can it be ? who can say pleasing to the eye in many ways choices and thoughts this way and that if you pass this way I'll raise my hat !!! *

the birdcage . . .

06 Dec 2023 10 17 123
* how must a caged bird feel I can only try to imagine . . . trapped . . . *

beaver moon . . .

24 Nov 2023 12 16 111
* should you fall as we all often do . . . hands will reach out to help you . . . the moon has no phone nor computer it's true but we all look up to you and wait for clues your energy and beauty . . . as you rise in the sky I wish you could hear us . . . and sense our smiles *

the barrier . . . HFF

02 Jan 2024 9 17 127
* a barrier a fence maybe to lean on . . . quite possibly lights passing by a night rider maybe or people huddled together who can say forming a queue in the cold night air or I'm smiling because it's a shop sign over a door taken quickly click click need I say more * with imagination perhaps it is HFF . . . possibly ! *

winter's art . . .

04 Jan 2024 12 16 122
* there is no snow and yet somehow . . . I'd like to paint a winter's scene somewhere so quiet still and serene with lots of snow all around . . . imagination running wild yet I can dream every once in a while * creative art of mine originates always from a photo I have taken, that inspires me to take that extra step and be imaginative and different if I can, I'm not Ai and not a robot it's true but like to be creative when I have a moment or two :-) *

Happy New Year . . .

28 Dec 2023 8 14 122
* Happy New Year to everyone . . . * may the new year 2024 be bright and cheerful and the way forward clear colourful too as we journey on through the seasons that have reasons . . . when quietness and calm sometimes comes along health and happiness and peace as we go on our way over bridges and rivers up hills and down dales through darkness and light be happy . . . * keep your camera close when you can batteries charged . . . look around and enjoy what you see . . . then share with everyone so we might see :-) *

trees . . .

23 Dec 2023 9 8 142
* when the wind blows and Nature is disturbed . . . trees suffer sadly . . . and all creatures and birds it's Winter it's true with snow on it's way hibernation beckons the trees roots are wise they know this too and so they do hide !!! *

party time 4u

04 Nov 2023 7 12 80

the outsider . . .

29 Nov 2023 8 13 101
* an outsider but I do not feel cold I'm warm and cosy and soon will decide to stay or not to stay a decision to be made as the new year approaches I possibly will go on my way I'll say goodbye and wish everyone farewell it's been good to know you to those I've known well *

seasons greetings

01 Dec 2023 9 17 93
* may peace, health and happiness surround everyone everywhere . . . * may the new year that follows soon . . . also be the same with peace on earth and goodwill to all * and to all creatures great and small . . . may nature survive *

mine by design

27 May 2023 17 17 176
* fabrique, necklace and sun glasses all combined . . . a style that is bev's by design *

soon . . .

06 Sep 2015 17 15 160
* events overtake our lives with the blink of an eye our lives change soon . . . hopefully events will again overtake *

to start all over again . . .

18 Dec 2022 13 22 244
* you look, and you think, something wrong, as you stand at the kitchen sink, doing the washing up preparing a meal your mind goes black and you think no deal . . . I'll start again, rip it up and sigh there's always tomorrow for another try *

shine on you crazy moon . . .

06 Nov 2022 13 18 200
* when the moon shines bright reflections play games imagination runs wild along with smiles shine on you crazy moon *

wild horse . . .

02 Oct 2022 11 9 174
* a wild horse it would perhaps like to be free to gallop forever free like birds that fly high in the sky oh to be free he perhaps thinks maybe * a wild horse I did see wanting to gallop quite clearly perhaps to be down by the sea or accross green fields but importantly . . . to be free * be free . . forever free . . . enjoying life naturally . . . be the best you can be sometimes not easy this we know raise your head high . . . it's on with the show *

night rider . . .

01 Oct 2022 12 11 207
* into the night who what and where . *. .

changes . . .

14 Oct 2012 18 18 214
* as the light faded soon twilight time she looked around everything seemed the same and yet changes all around indeed she did see things had changed sad felt she why does this happen I heard her say with a hint of sadness almost turning away . . . it happens sweet flower everywhere it seems . . . is not the same but I'll wait for you I'm sure we'll meet again * World Mental Health Day today Monday 10th October . . . *

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