A trip through Belgium mainly, but also with short sidesteps to Germany, France and Luxembourg. We visited some abandoned industrial places, some historical sites, mines and so on. The journey will be described in reversed order, beginning in Calais and ending in Germany.
A trip through Belgium mainly, but also with short sidesteps to Germany, France and Luxembourg. We visited some abandoned industrial places, some historical sites, mines and so on. The journey will be described in reversed order, beginning in Calais and ending in Germany.
Grand-Hornu is one of the finest examples of neoclassical industrial heritage in Europe. This monumental complex was built in the 19th century by Henri Degorge (sculpture), a French entrepreneur who was tempted by the coal mining venture. The site began operating at the height of the industrial revolution, in a region which at the time was the second most important in industrial terms in the world!
Grand-Hornu is a quite huge old industrial coal mining complex and company town (cité ouvrière) in Hornu in Belgium. It was built by Henri De Gorge between 1810 and 1830.
Grand-Hornu is a quite huge old industrial coal mining complex and company town (cité ouvrière) in Hornu in Belgium. It was built by Henri De Gorge between 1810 and 1830.
To avoid misunderstandings, the sunburst is not postprocessed, caused only by the 16mm lense with f11.
Have a sunny sunday!
The Bois-du-Luc is particularly known for the surrounding company town (cité ouvrière) which was created for the mine works during the 19th century and is today one of the most notable surviving remnants of industrial paternalism in Belgium. It includes workers' housing which dates from the 1830s and covers approximately 2 hectares.
The Bois-du-Luc was a coal mine in Houdeng-Aimeries in Belgium which today is preserved as an industrial heritage site. The Fosse Saint-Emmanuel was one of the oldest mines in Belgium, with recorded activity dating back to 1685. The company ceased mining in 1973.