golden view

Belgium (F/D/L) - 2018

4 comments  |  4 favorites  |  2 305 visits  |  Translate into English

A trip through Belgium mainly, but also with short sidesteps to Germany, France and Luxembourg. We visited some abandoned industrial places, some historical sites, mines and so on. The journey will be described in reversed order, beginning in Calais and ending in Germany.

engine room

06 Oct 2018 13 3 319
inside the 654 train - the 8-cylinder diesel engine and the tanks were just behind the train driver! Must have been quite hot in the summer.

tired rocker arms

06 Oct 2018 23 11 719
inside the 654 train


riding the diesel engine

you wanna be a train driver?

cockpit with standing place

06 Oct 2018 39 18 396
I think the diesel tanks above made a strange feeling..... There was a cockpit with an 8 cylinder engine on each end of the train (2 x 365 PS).

train 654 - controls

06 Oct 2018 22 9 484
controls inside the 654 train, some gauges and levers and so on - see PiP's! .....and find the mushroom!

train 654 - gauges

train 654 - controls

train 654 - controls

do not open window while the train is in motion

06 Oct 2018 33 16 416
luckily this train is meditating here forever, resting in itself ;-))

take a seat - 1

take a seat - 2

DSC02896 x2i

take a seat - 3

06 Oct 2018 26 11 445
train 654 inside - a little bit of decayed luxury see PiP!

the little red passenger

06 Oct 2018 36 27 656
....searchin' for his seat 15. This is the end of the 654-train-series (built 1936) and my private favorite ;-)) - see PiP for red passenger!

323 items in total