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User Poll Results ...

User Poll Results ...
As the User Poll I’ve been conducting has been running online now for nearly a week and almost 200 users of this site have participated I thought it time to publish the results so far.

In total, 182 people (165 of them Club members and 17 free users) had participated in the poll at the time these results were compiled earlier today.

When asked how much they would be willing to pay to subscribe to ipernity each year to help secure the site's long-term future, 6% said £00.00; 8% said £25.00; 37% said £50.00; 32% said £75.00; 14% said £100.00; 3% said £125.00; and 0% said £200.00.

Interestingly, this suggests that 49% of respondents would be willing to pay £75.00 or more per annum, which is more than 3 times the current subscription rate of £19.99.

Next, when asked if they would be willing to make a one-off payment to a crisis-fund were such an initiative to be launched to help save the site, 47% said "Yes"; 20% said "No"; and 33% said "Maybe".

This suggests that 80% of respondents would support or at least be open to the possibility of supporting such an initiative - although many did say they would be reluctant to make such payments to the existing owners without significant assurances over the future of the site.

The above statements are fact based upon the answers given on the poll, but it might also be worth considering what may or may not be deduced from how the votes of Club members and free members differed.

For example, of the combined 14% who said they would only be willing to pay £20.00 or less in future it is worth observing that over a third of them are currently free members and of those that are Club members their vote was perhaps more an indication of their unhappiness at how the site has been managed of late rather than meaning they would not put a higher value on such a platform were it to be better managed and properly resourced in the future.

Furthermore, whatever way you read or try to interpret these results, I think they clearly show that a large percentage of users would be willing to pay more to subscribe to the site if it meant ipernity had a brighter and more secure future. I think they also suggest that even a significant increase in subscription fees would not necessarily result in huge loss of users and of those that might leave under such circumstances the majority would be free account holders.

Anyway, these are the numbers so far.

Thanks to everyone for their support and please note that I am copying them to Christophe directly so that Team Ipernity can study them.

If I hear anything back that I can share with the wider community then I will obviously do so.

Best wishes


, Annaig56, .t.a.o.n., aNNa schramm and 69 other people have particularly liked this photo

79 comments - The latest ones
autofantasia club
Publishing the initial results of the ongoing User Poll here along with this photo so that we can perhaps get it onto Explore and therefore make as many people as possible aware of our findings and the crisis facing ipernity!

Comments and faves most welcome ... the more it attracts the more likely it is that we can get it onto Explore! :)
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Kalli club has replied to autofantasia club
Danke für die Mühe, Paul. ☺
Wir können also noch hoffen und warten.
Aber die Übersetzungs-Funktion auf dieser Seite ist unglaublicher Mist. Es ist sehr anstrengend, lange Sätze übersetzt zu verstehen
Grüße aus Hamburg, _Kalli_
8 years ago.
Danielle has replied to Kalli club
Moi j'apprécie la traduction même si des fois c'est plus difficile, mais avec de la bonne volonté ont réussit toujours….Merci beaucoup pour votre grand travail pour garder vivant notre site Ipernity. Vous méritez de grandes Félicitations et non des critiques…
Bise amicale et Mille MERCIS+++++++++++
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Paul, thank you for your efforts with this.
I'm glad you added it to the "proposals group" ...
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
Thanks for your help promoting it Sara! :)
8 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
Thanks Paul...good to know!!!!!
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew club
Thanks Paul for your efforts and for this feedback.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew club
All for nothing if Team Ipernity either don't or can't use the information to help save the site! :(
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Doug Shepherd club
No problem Doug! :)
8 years ago.

Ich habe bei Frage 2 mit "no" gestimmt, weil es mir im Rahmen der Fragestellung nicht sinnvoll erschien, weil ich nämlich denke, daß das Team selbst gar nicht mehr weitermachen will.

Fände sich jemand, der ersthaft weiterarbeiten möchte, wäre ich zu einer finanziellen Unterstützung des KÄUFERS, also zur Unterstützung der Übernahme potentiell bereit!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Anke
Thanks for that feedback ... interesting and noted! :)
8 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
My reaction to question 2 was the same as Anke's. If assured that any 'crowd funding' was going to a serious operator, my answer would be different. NB There have been thoughts on the (perhaps slim) chances of the owners of 23hq taking Ipernity on as a going concern in the discussions at www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/185300
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Anke has replied to John Sheldon club
Danke, John,
aber Deinen Punkt 2
("Ipernity’s source code and databases must be uploaded to Amazon or Microsoft Cloud so the site can continue") kann ich überhaupt nicht unterstützen - oder ich verstehe ihn falsch?:

Dieses ist doch genau der Wert, den jemand kaufen sollte, damit IP zukünftig wirtschaftlich nutzbar ist, um das Portal zu erhalten, oder?

Sollte ich das falsch verstehen, kannst Du bitte in Deiner Diskussion antworten und hier nur ein Link dahin setzen?
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to John Sheldon club
Not sure that I personally see any future in that John. I think the people behind 23 would struggle to give the site the time it needs just as it appears Team Ipernity have over the last couple of years ... it needs new investors that have the time and energy to take the site forward, but who are wise enough to leave well alone ... this site only needs a few bugs removing ... it doesn't need a revamp or any added awesomeness! ;)
8 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to autofantasia club
Amen to that! I've had enough of "awesome" over at Panoramio/ Google....
Thanks for all the work you're putting into this, Paul!
Apropos many more visits than voters- some are certainly down to people who did vote returning to see how it was going....
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Thankyou Paul....

We will try to get this onto Explore..

Also written an Article with the link to this to try and spread it further
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Pam J club
Thanks for doing that Pam! :)
8 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
Should we be worried that only 182 people have responded to the survey? How happy are we that the membership as a whole, or at least all the paying members, know what is going on and the efforts being made/put forward to save this web site? The message 'A complimentary information' has had 1871 visits. The English 'We do not have good news' has had 5521 visits and the French version of that 2436.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
John, I did all I could to get as many people as possible to vote, but there's a limit to what one person and the contacts they have can achieve. Not helped it has to be said by the many people that have visited my poll thread, but not voted.

Still, we are where we are. The information is out there and now it's up to others to act upon it or not as the case may be.

How happy am I that the wider membership are aware of the problems? Not at all if I'm honest. I think Team Ipernity should have sent an email to every single user, but they didn't.

Anyway, we're at risk of repeating ourselves I fear and going back over old ground. I see little point in doing that ... if nothing else it's taken a great deal of effort to pull these results together and I feel like having a rest now.

If nothing else there's the small matter of protecting my Club membership. It was due to expire at the end of the month and I had every intention of keeping it going until we see once and for all what is going to happen with the site.

However, they've now put a block on new subscriptions (fair enough and fair given the uncertainty), but that also means people like me cannot protect out membership and so are faced with needing to delete our content before we know for a fact that the site has no future ... I've suggested an amnesty thereby extending people's membership until they make a decision on the future of the site, but so far go no response! :(
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Anke has replied to autofantasia club
"I think Team Ipernity should have sent an email to every single user, but they didn't."

Haha - sie haben nicht einmal eine mail an alle bezahlenden User geschickt, um die geplante Schließung mitzuteilen!
Fragen?! :-(
8 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to autofantasia club
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you can't renew your current subscription? Maybe they won't change anyone's standing? I hope so. (

(I can't remember, are you on 23HQ? I've set up there to test it out, but am not leaving here unless I'm forced.)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to raingirl club
Yes, that was the problem ... it was due for renewal at the end of this month, but I couldn't renew it because they'd blocked the subscription page. Had to get in touch with Team Ipernity a few times, but thankfully the situation is now resolved.

As for 23, yes I'm on there ... it was actually me that set up the Ipernity Refugees group that so many people have been using as a mustering point - lol! ;)
8 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Regarding the number of members responding to the poll I can't be the only one who knew nothing about it, I saw the link to this on William Sutherland's proposals. If the present ipernity owners were interested in continuing surely they would have been asking for money as is Wikipedia and Thunderbird (an e-mail account)
8 years ago.
LutzP club
Thanks for this fine work, Paul. I hope, team Ipernity will draw their own conclusions and that fast!
8 years ago.
 Gary Schotel
Gary Schotel club
Great job, Paul. Thank you for doing this.

Btw, I only just today saw the poll by accident.
There might be more people who did or do not know about the poll.
8 years ago.
Stormlizard club
Thanks for your hard work Paul.
Not sure if I ever took part in any Poll, but did on many occasions in several threads suggest an increase of 100% of the current fee.
8 years ago.
Tractacus club
And now it seems that there's a cloud hanging over Flickr.
Ipernity has got itself a niche market if they have the will to do it...
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
PAUL... write to AUDREY DIRECTLY about the amnesty and not being able to recover photos due to subs running out...

Do it on a DAILY basis to her in a Message.... NOT through Support.

She is swamped.. but something like that has a better chance of getting her attention and at least an answer that way


8 years ago.
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12…
I plan on being active here until I can't.

I never got the poll. I agree with Pam about contacting Audrey directly or replying on the thread that she responded to.
8 years ago.
cp_u club
Thanks for this. Initiative!
8 years ago.
Chrissy club
thank you Paul!
8 years ago.
Valfal club
Paul, thank you for all your hard work in running this poll and doing some legwork for the IP team. I do hope something comes of it.
8 years ago.
Moderator club
Thank you for the feedback !! (and hard work on this)
8 years ago.
 Graham Chance
Graham Chance club
Good work Paul.
8 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Thanks for the breakdown on the results of this poll
Congratulations on Explore What's Hot. Well deserved for your efforts which have been much appreciated. Regards Tess
8 years ago.
 Roger Dodger
Roger Dodger
Paul, many thanks for your extraordinary efforts on this and for keeping us informed!
8 years ago.
Bergfex club
Very good work - telling results!
8 years ago.
I appreciate your efforts, Paul, and I hope it has the effect of making potential investors sit up and consider the possibilities.
8 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Paul, your efforts are much appreciated! =)
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
YOU ARE AT #4 EXPLORE PAUL>>> We're getting you #1 inch by inch !!
8 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
Of course your efforts are to be applauded Paul, much, thought, time , concern and effort is evident. Thank you and continued good luck with this crusade to keep ipernity alive. What a great Christmas gift it would be if new investors are found. Again I appreciate all that you have done and are still doing. :)
8 years ago.
 Shuttering Yukon
Shuttering Yukon
cheers Paul, just commenting to bump this up
8 years ago.
 John Cass
John Cass
Many thanks Paul, for the great effort you are making, trying to keep ipernity alive.
8 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Ce bon résultat du sondage résulte qu' on est en bonne voie .
8 years ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
You have done an excelente work, Paul!
8 years ago.
UN Grand Merci à Paul pour votre grand dévouement pour la continuité d'Ipernity!!!
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Negotiate ! Keep Ipernity - Negotiate !
8 years ago.
Appreciate the hard work Paul
8 years ago.
Why not tweet it?
8 years ago.
 Indycaver (Norm)
Indycaver (Norm) club
Thanks Paul!
8 years ago.
 H C
Interesting interpretation of the figures.
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Comeeeee onnnnnnnnnn... we have to beat a kiddie and doggie and a naked lady !

You are at #4 still Paul.... but we can get you there !!!!!!!!
8 years ago.
 Horizon 36
Horizon 36 club
Thank you Paul…good work.
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
EDIT : 9.45pm CST... #3

The naked lady gave up her place !!
8 years ago.
 Anne Elliott
Anne Elliott club
Thank you, Paul, for doing way, way more than your fair share of trying to help ipernity stay around. Appreciated by me and many others.
8 years ago.
©UdoSm club
Have you transmitted this to the team by Ipernity? Is there an answer?
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to ©UdoSm club
Yes, it's been sent to them, but nothing to report back at the moment other than they've said they are looking at it! :)
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Well I suppose even Troll/Spammers count as hits to get you in Explore !!!!!!!!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Pam J club
What you talking about girl? ;)
8 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
There were a mass of spamming posts / advertising links in posts ... now deleted. I didn't count them, but it was a lot !
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
It's okay I saw them Sara ... I've blocked that user which them removes their posts from your stream. I suspect though with Team Ipernity being busy with other matters that we can expect a lot more of that over the next few weeks.

I've already noticed an increase in the number of spam photos and videos being uploaded! :(
8 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to autofantasia club
SEE.. I wasnt imagining things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
I would only be willing to pay more if I was reassured that the system would be fully supported technically.
8 years ago.
raingirl club
Great work - thank you so much.

Have you sent the poll to the ipernity team? Or posted it on Audrey's post? I can't see that in this comment thread.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to raingirl club
Yes, it's been copied to the. I got a thank you from Christophe who said he was going to study it and a nice comment from Audrey, but otherwise nothing more heard or to report.
8 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Thank you for all your hard work Paul. And yes, I agree with you about 23, they are certainly not well equipped.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Some of you might find this of interest, it might even help one or two of you decide where to go next if ipernity does indeed close:

If The Worst Happens ...
8 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
The value of what will be lost if Ipernity closes - becomes clear in my attempt at an objective review of the alternatives at
Let's all hope that the wonderful efforts being made by members and others will pay dividends and we will have Ipernity for many more years and beyond!
8 years ago.
Xata club
Thanks for this...and let's hope and keep being active here to give ipernity a chance.
8 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Back again to say
Congratulations on Explore Frontpage & Whats Hot. Well deserved for this image and all your efforts to keep IP going. Regards Tess.
8 years ago.
Peggy C club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Totally agree, Tess ....
Best wishes to us all for an outcome that keeps us here~
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Thanks everyone for your kind comments and faves to help get the Poll as wide an audience as possible ... much appreciated! :)
8 years ago.
 Lolita P. B.
Lolita P. B.
Je n'avais pas eu connaissance du sondage, moi non plus... Je suis d'accord pour payer davantage par an 100/180€ , ou bien sous forme d'une cotisation mensuelle ? Pourquoi ne pouvons nous pas nous porter acquéreurs d'actions ???????
8 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
My best wishes aNNa*
8 years ago.
ohhh...thank you for info....
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Team Ipernity have just published an article entitled The First Results for the Survey, which I'm guessing many of you will want to read! :)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Member Association Bylaws ...
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just been posted by William Sutherland in the Ipernity Members Association Project group here on ipernity:

Good morning/afternoon,

We are still in discussions with Ipernity S.A. re: the future of this site and its transfer. Negotiations are ongoing to protect the best interests of the members. At the same time we are investigating crowdfunding options so we can take the next step when negotiations are concluded.
8 years ago.