IBa00 Net Trap Deployed

2014 Bali, Indonesia Moths

Folder: Far East
Some Moths recorded at the Maya Ubud Hotel, Bali, Indonesia from our villa in the gardens during our stay. For views of the hotel grounds and the adjacent river valley as well as other wildlife seen, look through our complementary Bali Scenes and Wildlife Album.

Although quite some time has been spent researching identifications, many of these moths are not illustrated anywhere, and so identifica…  (read more)

IBa00 Net Trap Deployed

01 Jan 2015 273
As usual, there are Ants around and they quickly home in on the small flies which havecome to the lamps and then drop underneath the trap. If not raised above ground, the trap would be quickly over-run, so we hang it from above and smear the top 10 cm of the cords with a Menthol gel so there is no way to get there unless the arrivals have wings. This has also to be done to the power cable and also keeping thecable route indirect.

IBa001 Alcis sps

03 Oct 2014 270
Geometridae, Ennominae – Wingspan 36mm. A common species at this location, which occurred most nights at the Light Trap. A total of 26 specimens were recorded.

IBa002 Macaria sps?

03 Oct 2014 357
Geometridae, Ennominae – Wingspan 38mm. Another common species at this location, which occurred most nights at the Light Trap. A total of 16 specimens were recorded.

IBa003 Haritalodes derogata (Cotton Leaf Roller)

03 Oct 2014 480
Crambidae, Spilomelinae – Wingspan 34mm. A single specimen was recorded at the Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa004 Unidentified "Footman"

03 Oct 2014 303
Erebidae, Lithosiinae – Wingspan 34mm. A single specimen was recorded at the Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa005 Euproctis inornata?

03 Oct 2014 390
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan 26mm. A confusing group of moths, particularly when the markings are faded. Two specimens were recorded during our stay which may be the above species.

IBa006 Euproctis croceola

03 Oct 2014 479
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan 22mm. A confusing group of moths, with identifications rather uncertain, even though this was fairly clearly marked. Two specimens were recorded during our stay which may be the above species.

IBa007 Spaniocentra lobata

03 Oct 2014 371
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan 32mm. One of a number of small "Emerald" species in this area, a single specimen came to our Light Trap on the 3rd October.

IBa008 Hemithea sps

03 Oct 2014 297
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan 26mm. One of a number of small "Emerald" species in this area, 5 specimens came to our Light Trap during our stay. Although the same size and wing pattern, one of these on the 3rd was originally designated IBa09, as it was a darker brownish-green. I have since considered it to be a colour variant.

IBa010 Pelagodes proquadraria

03 Oct 2014 317
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan 29mm. One of a number of small "Emerald" species in this area, 5 specimens came to our Light Trap during our stay.

IBa011 Ernolatia moorei

03 Oct 2014 331
Bombycidae - Wingspan 36mm. A single specimen of this species came to our Light Trap on the 3rd. See following pictures for different views of its strange stance.

IBa011a Ernolatia moorei - Front View

03 Oct 2014 309
Bombycidae - Wingspan 36mm. A single specimen of this species came to our Light Trap on the 3rd. The strange stance viewed from the front.

IBa011b Ernolatia moorei - Tail High

03 Oct 2014 277
Bombycidae - Wingspan 36mm. A single specimen of this species came to our Light Trap on the 3rd. "Undercarriage" and "Tail High" View.

IBa012 Striglina cinnamomea

03 Oct 2014 333
Thyrididae - Wingspan 30mm A single specimen of this species came to our Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa013 Olene mendosa

03 Oct 2014 428
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan: 26mm. Another small Lymantrid which came in as four specimens through our stay. All had similar wing markings, but varied in colour contrasts, but my guess is that they all were the same species as identified in the title.

IBa013 Olene mendosa - Portrait

03 Oct 2014 377
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan: 26mm. Another small Lymantrid which came in as four specimens through our stay. All had similar wing markings, but varied in colour contrasts, but my guess is that they all were the same species as identified in the title.

IBa014 Arctornis submarginata

03 Oct 2014 375
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan: 36mm. Another small Lymantrid which came in as two specimens on the 3rd. This species seems to be the one identified from India to Australia, but there are some slight differences (brown wing fringes) which makes me a little uncertain.

IBa015 Amata huebneri

03 Oct 2014 1138
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 24mm. A pretty little "Wasp" moth which is widespread through the Oriental region, and can be found flying around flowers in the daytime. Two specimens came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 3rd.

67 items in total